SAFY is an initiative that is heeding the call by Government for the development of youth so as to restore the moral and economic fibre in our communities at large. It is also a response by those able bodies and support structures to assist in providing a service to these vulnerable communities to ensure growth and development. The organization aims to create an enabling environment that will assist in creating a culture of purpose and contribute to building ambitious and resilient individuals, communities and organizations that will further contribute to developing a strong and healthy nation.
Our vision is to empower youth to become productive, responsible, confident, goal-directed, value and moral-driven citizens, thereby contributing to the development of human capital that will not only assist in building healthy families and uplift communities, but also contribute to the development of a strong and healthy nation.
Our mission is to identify the talents, skills and competencies of youth and communities and direct and guide them to navigate their way to resources that will facilitate their development to the fullest of their individual potential, collaborating with our clients and partners to provide them with comprehensive, integrated, innovative and sustainable solutions that will foster their development and that of their communities.
Our objectives aim to promote the well-being of youth and communities, with a specific focus on career, sport and creative development.