Cause Index

Turfhall Cheshire Home

The Turfhall Cheshire Home, is a registered non-profit and public benefit organisation (NPO 014-845 & PBO 930025578), which officially opened in 1984, providing 24 hours specialised care to 60 physically disabled adults. Our residents are from the poorest of the poor communities and rely on Turfhall Cheshire to provide the specialised care they deserve. Although we run independently, we are affiliated to the international Leonard Cheshire Disability Global Alliance. In South Africa we have 15 homes of which the Turfhall Cheshire Home is one of 2 in the Western Cape. Each home is independent and responsible for their own financial management and fundraising. As we reflect on our journey and look to the future, we remain committed to our mission of providing a safe and supportive home for physically disabled adults. How can you help? Please consider a donation towards our vulnerable residents. Your support will continue to be the driving force behind our efforts. Thank you.