Some of the most accountable national non-profit organizations have joined forces under one BIG national fundraising campaign, called Tekkie Tax! It is a project owned by welfare organizations, run by welfare organizations for the benefit of welfare organizations. All together, we represent more than 1 200 NPOs across the country.
The Tekkie Tax campaign is conducted under the auspices of a Public Benefit Trust called "Legacy through Charity Trust” registered with the Master of the South Gauteng High Court under registration number IT 2455/2012, 116-048 NPO and PBO 930041253.
Since 2013, yearly campaigns have been held, raising a staggering total of more than R30million. You are invited to join us in making a huge impact in our country through participating in this growing initiative.
Members of the public are asked to get a Tekkie Tax sticker for a R10 donation. There are 5 different stickers, each representing a beneficiary sector.
Depending on where ‘your heart lies’, the public can choose which of the 5 sectors they would like to support when buying a sticker, or buy all five! Choose between Animals (A), Bring Hope (B), Children (C), Disability (D) or Education (E).
We also sell special shoelaces called “Tekkie Tags” to wear in your Tekkies and add some fun and creativity to the campaign. On Tekkie Tax Day, participants wear the sticker and dress up their Tekkies with a pair of Tekkie Tag shoelaces in order not to embarrass their Tekkies with monotonous laces!