THE BREADWINNER�all you knead is loaves!!
Founded in 2019 and based in Pretoria, developed with those less fortunate in mind The Breadwinner has taken a fresh direction by creating an opportunity for you to have a slice in eradicating hunger.
Inspired by a feeding scheme done during one month of the year at an informal settlement in Itereleng, The Breadwinner has decided to provide bread on a daily basis in Itereleng as well as other impoverished areas.
Our vision is to distribute a minimum of at least 1000 loaves of bread per day. The production of bread is done within the surrounding area of the location, thus providing freshly baked bread to the recipients.
Assist us with �dough� to those who knead to provide for those in need!
October marks the one year anniversary of The Breadwinner.
On Sunday 11th October from 08:00 - 11:00, @the_breadwinnersa a will be launching a new initiative called "SINGLE MOM" (The Breadwinner)".
The morning will take place as a 5km trail run in the forest at 'The Big Red Barn' in Olifantsfontein, to create awareness and raise funds for #singlemoms from the Lotus Garden and surrounding areas ( the beneficiaries of the funds raised on the day). It's also possible to purely #donate (should you prefer this route instead).
The aim here - to provide #empowerment and #assistance to #singlemothers, focusing on those from previously disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as support to #abusedwomen.
Check out this link for more info and to purchase your tickets ->
#CharityBeginsWithYou #SpreadTheWord