Ramotse-Art-Theatre is a 100% Black-Owned, Non-Profit Theatre Organization based in Tshwane – North area of Hammanskraal in Ramotse. Currently, the organization offers the following free services:
1. Art Classes
2. Workshops
These services compise of Drama, Movement, and Dance and are conducted at a local high school with at least 29 participants between the ages of 12 to 30.
Additionally, most of the participants are the unemployed and school-going youth.
Furthermore, the aim of the organization is to apply the art of stage acting, TIE (Theatre in education), Industrial Theatre, Music and Dance, in order to interrogate and tackle social ills which possess a challenge in the lives of our youth.
In conclusion, the organization does not only offer technical knowledge of the arts, but produces shows to be performed by the participants from Ramotse Art Theatre.