A nation has a need for sustainable solutions; a need to see its people prepared to become a solution focused society in order to occupy a desired state of living. It is because of these needs that The 4Change Foundation (a Non Profit, Section 21 Company) was birthed.
Principally, 4Change extracts and harnesses both talent and leadership potential through unearthing the solutions that rest on the inside of INDIVIDUALS, in order to prevail over problems, within their immediate environment and hence assist in addressing societal issues at large. 4Change believes that change within a given society and ultimately global change starts with the individual. By developing one person at a time, these champions within the community will be able to influence the society around them. It is the process of investing in an individual and putting the required tools into their hands that will ultimately allow them to change the world around them.
The core slogan, “Changing our world by giving others a chance to change theirs,” stems from the desire to actively change the socio-economic status that our nation is challenged with. The 4Change Foundation has an undeniable passion for life and people and our belief is that “the greatest gift you can give anyone is the chance to make a change.”
The focus of the 4Change Foundation is two-fold, mindset change and nurturing absolute freedom. These centre on effecting permanent, individual mindset change through harnessing innovative thinking and the very idea of liberty in its entirety in which individuals having come through the hands of The Foundation, have an unwavering compassion for people therefore re-directing their focus from SELF to COMMUNITY.
It is this specific focus on, and shaping of, the individuals which will ultimately result in sustainable change in their lives and allow them to influence their surroundings.