We are church that are registered as a public benefit organization (PBO number: 930 009 525) in South Africa. We enrich the lives of people by preaching and ministering to the sick and needy.
This organization’s main objective is:
• To bring life and healing through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and practical ministry which includes the following:
1. Healing Home: Healing the sick
2. Hospital Outreaches: Healing the sick
3. Healing Services: Preaching of the Gospel and the demonstration of the power of God.
4. Revival Weeks: Equipping people with the power of God.
5. Healing Schools: Teaching concerning the ministering of healing.
6. Sunday Services: Worshipping God and equipping the believers for the work of the ministry.
7. Community Outreaches: Poverty alleviation, healing the sick, and holistic change in a community.
8. And any other activities not withstanding any other method which the Executive Committee deems necessary to promote the objectives of this organization.