Cause Index

Hope Trust

Our strategy is:

To expand the numbers of Home Based Carers (HBCs) in the welfare programme and the numbers of extension staff in the development programme so that we can impact more households in the community for the purpose of teaching Christian values and lifestyle, re-activating healthy family life, restoring dignity, transforming social and economic relationships for the benefit of individual families, their community and the wider social milieu of the region

To develop a full-time training programme that will reach into all sectors of the community to bring Christian values and lifestyle, social and economic skills, vision and hope in the expectation that this will provide momentum for social and economic transformation which will divert many people from suicidal lifestyles, (often learned at a young age), toward re-activating healthy family life. This will include courses in Healthy Living, Parenting and Foster Parenting Skills as well as food security, small business and savings and credit and

To develop a Safe House where abused and abandoned children may be placed until such time as the State Authorities can place the children with trained foster parents.

Our Objectives are to mainstream Christian values and lifestyle in:

1) The welfare programme by:

Providing care for patients requiring supervised drug administration (eg TB medication)

Supporting orphans with bereavement counselling and support

Providing support for medical patients with dressings, wound management, hospital and clinic visits and drug monitoring

Providing holistic care for families aimed at assisting them in making the move from being welfare consumers to productive participants in the development of the nation:

Basic life skills education

Personal and household hygiene

Household financial management


HIV/AIDS awareness and response tools

Home based food security (deep trench gardens)

Social transformation skills including training in:

Documentation access (such as Identity documents and birth certificates)

Social grant access

Teenage sexuality and responsibility

Marriage and marriage preparation

Gender roles and responsibilities


2) The development programme by:

Providing economic transformation skills aimed at stimulating and sustaining new small businesses each year and offering :

Social transformation skills including training in:

small business skills training covering:

Business plans



Financial skills

Banking and taxation

Quality control

Supervisory skills, staff management, responsibilities under the Labour Act

Support for households with achieving productive vegetable gardens

Providing mentoring and guidance to small and/or micro enterprises

Establishing and strengthening new savings and credit groups

Providing, with integrity and accountability, an efficient administration and management service to the programme.