Cause Index

Greater Soweto Association for Early Childhood Dev

Professional Programmes: ? Further Education and Training Certificate: ECD (NQF Level 4) US ID 58761 � Work integrated training implemented over a period of 18 months. ? Unit Standard-based Skills Programme (NQF Level 1&2) - Work integrated training implemented over a period of 6 months. ? Instill Education�s Upskill: A SACE endorsed free online professional development platform, offering degree programmes and supporting educators wherever they are in their education journey. Support Programmes and Services: ? Ntataise ECD Centres of Excellence Hub Programme: Providing support to and building institutional capacity of ECD centres/sites committees/boards and centre management in respect of management, governance, and registration compliance. Also including Profiling and Quality Assessment of ECD facilities ? Caregiver Learning through Play �CLtP�: Play, provides experiential and experimental learning opportunities for children. Play-based learning is still a paramount principle in both formal and informal setting, and it can happen more effectively through the support of caring adults. This is achieved by increasing understanding of parents and caregivers, amongst other, of the importance of play in young children�s early learning and development. ? Heart line�s Fathers Matter Programme: Reaching fathers and offering them father-focused support and mentoring programmes through ECD Practitioners ? Early Childhood Prevention Programme: Fighting the scourge of child and human trafficking through preventative and child empowering methods. ? Gender based violence. ? Capacitation of ECD Forums