We are a registered South African non-profit (NPC) animal welfare organisation - registration number (2021/114168/08) - established in order to assist the community of Emgwenya (Waterval Boven), Mpumalanga, and its surrounds.
By providing access to quality veterinary care and showing compassion toward animals in need, we hope to foster the One Health philosophy and generate a culture of respect and kindness toward all living beings.
We rely solely on the generosity of the public in order to fund our outreach initiatives, and by engaging the hearts, hands and minds of the community, we aim to uplift and empower people in responsible pet ownership.
We are NOT a rescue organisation, nor are we an animal shelter. We also DO NOT foster or rehabilitate stray animals. (However, should you require these services we ARE in a position to assist with putting you in touch with the right groups and people.)
Our founding members and team are all full-time employed, and therefore all donate of their spare time to assist in the running of the EAWO and its outreach initiatives as a chosen calling.