Our main objective is to accommodate unique learning styles through differentiated instruction and the use of LSPs (Learner Support Programmes) to guide and support our learners to function independently and become productive citizens. We aim to bridge learners back into mainstream schools as soon as they are academically and emotionally ready to cope with the demands. We follow the national curriculum and make use of a variety of remedial strategies and programmes to support and assist the learners in the classroom.
We are a small school (maximum of + 14 learners in a class) with a caring and supportive staff. We are also fortunate to have a full-time school psychologist, who oversees all the assessments and therapies. Parents of children who have enrolled in the school, report that the attitude and behaviour of their children change literally overnight. Children thrive and are more relaxed and willing to cooperate. They are happier and motivated. This proves that the atmosphere is stress-free and children are supported, not only academically but also emotionally.
Children are also benefiting from supportive therapies such as speech, remedial, occupational, and play therapy. These therapies form part of their school programme and therapists work closely with the class teachers to integrate what the child learns in therapy with the class teaching.