Cause Index


PLANS: Our current plans is to solve a problem already existed prior to Coronavirus such as poverty and poor community infrastructure and the lack of basic needs.

DEVELOPMENT: The developing solution is to provide these basic and essential needs to the homeless,disabled and the older generation of our communities such as food hampers,blankets and providing shelter to the homeless to keep them safe at these testing times. Due to the current situation, the coronavirus epidemic has changed the way we live. Since it has been mandatory for basic hygiene SANITIZERS AND MASKS which is believed to be the only defense mechanism from contracting the coronavirus. We would like to safeguard our communities by providing them with masks and sanitization in the interum we'll be educating the communities to use and disposal of the mask which is a very important issue. These are key factors that need the utmost attention and surely Government have their plates full as we speak.

GROWTH: Our growth expectations are quite high due to the current situation of the Coronavirus were everyone is willing to help one another, It has become mandatory impossible to interact socially. Socializing has changed so much that our advertising strategy is now being done via all social media major platforms and this will give us the ability to reach people from all over the country without socially interacting and reaching out by keeping our distance.

VISION: Our vision is too build and restructure our communities by providing our vulnerable with permanent shelter ( Old Age Home) and essential needs permanently and build a solid foundation and lead by example.

In conclusion none of the above will be possible without any funding.

Kind regards
Covid 19 Sympathy Team