Camphill Village provides a safe environment in which to live and work for between 80 and 90 intellectually challenged adults, so that they can experience a meaningful and fulfilling life. It is set on a farm, 40km north of Cape Town and has 13 houses and several enterprises in which Residents work.
Residents live in a life-sharing environment with home leaders (and their children) and young volunteers. They work in the homes, enterprises (Bakery, Dairy, Herbal Workshop), on the farm or in the vegetable gardens, producing quality produce. Each resident is respected as an individual with individual needs. A range of therapies and education is offered to further the development and skills of each person. Camphill endeavours to create a culturally rich and wholesome life for all of its people.
The products made in the various enterprises are consumed in the houses and sold in outlets in Cape Town, which forms part of the income and financial stability of the organisation. On the 1st Sunday of each month (except January), there is a market in which all Camphill products are sold.
Working at Camphill
Volunteers, both local and from oversees, spend a year doing practical work and receive a training. Staff are employed from the surrounding communities and empowered through training. Long-term Co-workers have dedicated themselves to living with residents in a life-sharing capacity.