The PRIMARY OBJECTIVE of the ASM Clinics is to render quality, effective, comprehensive primary health care to people who struggle to access care in government facilities, this includes:
Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries
Provision of essential drugs (no ARVs or TB medication available)
Certain aspects of maternal and child health care (no immunizations available)
Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases including TB and HIV infections
The Primary Activities of the ASM Clinic include:
Child health care 0-5 years (Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses)
Acute medical care for older children and adults
Women�s health care (antenatal, postnatal care and provision of contraception)
Caring for those living with chronic diseases / Non Communicable Diseases
Active screening for chronic diseases / Non Communicable diseases
Active HIV counselling and testing with referral for ARVs where applicable
Active screening for TB and referring for treatment where applicable
Individual patient education on holistic health care / lifestyle