1 2 3 6 7 A - AAS NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Abafundi Students Fundraiser
(Education, Gauteng) - ABC Ministries
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - ABSIP
(Education, South Africa) - Abuti Rams Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Academy of Kings and Queens
(Education, South Africa) - Access Africa Academy NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Access On Demand Education NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Access Trust
(Education, South Africa) - AccessED NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Accountancy Community Through Tirisano
(Education, Gauteng) - ACMP Africa
(Education, Gauteng) - Acorn Bursary Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - Acorn Education
(Education, South Africa) - Acta Classica
(Education, South Africa) - Action Breaks Silence
(Education, Gauteng) - Action Leadership for Youth and Community Developm
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Active Minds Society
(Education, Gauteng) - Adventist Education
(Education, Gauteng) - AEB Oos-Kaap - Jan Harm Labuscagne
(Education, South Africa) - Affie100 Fonds
(Education, Gauteng) - Afiefa Behardien
(Education, South Africa) - Africa Change Institute
(Education, South Africa) - Africa House College
(Education, Gauteng) - AFRICA MATHS EXCELLENCE
(Education, South Africa) - African Angels
(Education, South Africa) - African Association of Political Science
(Education, South Africa) - African Community Fund for Education Group
(Education, South Africa) - African Legend
(Education, South Africa) - African Scholars Fund
(Education, South Africa) - African School for Excellence NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - African Sustainability Academy_Sustainable Develop
(Education, South Africa) - African WAY Foundation NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - AfriHumanNeedsNurturing Foundation NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Afrika Tikkun
(Education, South Africa) - Afrika Tikkun NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Afrika Tikkun NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Afro-Middle East Centre
(Education, Gauteng) - AFRORAMA NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - afrotech academy
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Agang South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Agape Youth Movement
(Education, South Africa) - AIFFA
(Education, South Africa) - AIRPORT CHRIST FELLOWSHIP
(Education, South Africa) - Akademia
(Education, South Africa) - Akademia
(Education, South Africa) - Akademia Kampus
(Education, Gauteng) - Al Huda Muslim School
(Education, South Africa) - Al-Munirah Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Alcohol And Drug Concerns Cape
(Education, Western Cape) - Alexandra Education Committee
(Education, Gauteng) - All Nations Leadership Academy (ANLA)
(Education, South Africa) - Alternative Information and Development Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - Altiora NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Alumni Community
(Education, South Africa) - Alvira Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Alwaagah Institute for the Deaf
(Education, Western Cape) - Amandla Community Education Development
(Education, Gauteng) - Amathuba Community Upliftment
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Amathuba Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Amazing Grace Social Investments
(Education, Gauteng) - Amazing Graces Social Investments
(Education, South Africa) - AMLC
(Education, South Africa) - Amrut Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - An-Nur Educational Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - Anchor Cares Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Andre Steyn
(Education, Gauteng) - Angels' Care Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Anita Giovannoni
(Education, South Africa) - Ann Sutton Book
(Education, Western Cape) - Anna Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Anna Milani Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Anointed Ministries
(Education, Western Cape) - ANSWER NETWORK NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - API
(Education, South Africa) - APPETD
(Education, Gauteng) - Artisan Training Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - As-Salaam Educational Institute
(Education, South Africa) - ASASWEI
(Education, South Africa) - Asavela Peko
(Education, South Africa) - ASE
(Education, South Africa) - ASET- African Schools Empowerment Technology
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - ASHA Trust
(Education, South Africa) - ASHANTI MEDIA HELPING HAND
(Education, South Africa) - Ashton in Action
(Education, Western Cape) - Aspire2Gro
(Education, South Africa) - Association of Christian Schools Intl
(Education, South Africa) - Association of French Studies in Southern Africa
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Association of Schools of Construction of Southern
(Education, Gauteng) - At Heart Disability
(Education, South Africa) - Auckland Park Theological Seminary
(Education, South Africa) - Aurum Academy
(Education, Free State) - Authentic Men
(Education, Western Cape) - Autism Connect
(Education, Western Cape) - Autism Western Cape
(Education, Western Cape) - Ayanda Dlomo
(Education, South Africa) - Ayesha Kanjee
(Education, South Africa) - Azania27
(Education, Gauteng) - Azanian Schools Project NPC
(Education, Gauteng)
B - B-Leaf
(Education, South Africa) - BabesGotBytes
(Education, Western Cape) - Banna Buang Organisation
(Education, Gauteng) - Bay FM
(Education, Eastern Cape) - BEAR Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Bedfordview Primary School
(Education, Gauteng) - Believe Foundation
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Bellavista School
(Education, South Africa) - Ben Ntoloane
(Education, South Africa) - Bergvliet High School
(Education, South Africa) - Bertie Barnard klaskamer
(Education, South Africa) - Bettye Walker
(Education, South Africa) - Beula Charity Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Beularland Primary School
(Education, South Africa) - BGY Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Bible Media
(Education, South Africa) - Biblical Counselling Africa
(Education, South Africa) - big O
(Education, Limpopo) - Big Thought Publications
(Education, South Africa) - Bishops
(Education, Western Cape) - Black Umbrellas NPC
(Education, South Africa) - BLUE BUS TRUST
(Education, South Africa) - Bnei Akiva South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Bokamoso Education Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Bokamoso Ke Barona
(Education, South Africa) - Bongani Mayosi Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Bono Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Bontlebame Projects NPO
(Education, Gauteng) - Book Dash
(Education, South Africa) - Book Village NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Bophelong Tutoring Programme
(Education, South Africa) - Born as the Earth Zen Academy (BEZA) NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Boswaneng Foundation
(Education, Limpopo) - BottomUp
(Education, South Africa) - Box Smart Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Brain Gym in South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Brak en Jan Kleuterskool
(Education, Western Cape) - Breadline Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Breadline Africa RSA NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Brian Ndlovu
(Education, South Africa) - Bridges for Music NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Bridges for Peace South A
(Education, Western Cape) - Bridging the Gap Organisation
(Education, South Africa) - Bridging The Gap Youth Empowerment
(Education, Limpopo) - bright young leaders initiative
(Education, Western Cape) - Bright-Edu
(Education, South Africa) - Brighten Lives
(Education, Western Cape) - BRINGCHANGE
(Education, South Africa) - Buffelskloof Education and Research
(Education, Western Cape) - Build The Future
(Education, South Africa) - Buro van die WAT
(Education, South Africa) - Bursary Support ZA
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Butterfly Art Project
(Education, South Africa) - Butterfly Centre
(Education, South Africa)
C - C en N Sekondere Meisieskool Oranje
(Education, Free State) - Calabash Trust
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Calibrating Minds Society
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Calico Academy
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Calling Education NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Cape Educational Trust trading
(Education, Western Cape) - Cape Town Holocaust and Genocide Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - Cape Town Science Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Cape Town Torah High
(Education, Western Cape) - Care Club Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Career Planet
(Education, South Africa) - Career Planet
(Education, South Africa) - CareerAid
(Education, South Africa) - Caregivershome
(Education, South Africa) - CASME
(Education, South Africa) - CBC Mount Edmund
(Education, Gauteng) - CBC ST Johns Parklands
(Education, Western Cape) - CBMC SA
(Education, Western Cape) - CDR EQUIPPING
(Education, Gauteng) - Centre Constitutional HR
(Education, Gauteng) - Centre for Humanity
(Education, South Africa) - Chabad Greenstone
(Education, Gauteng) - Chabad of the West Coast - Sinai Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Chad Le Clos Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Chameleon Entrepreneur & Development Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Change the World Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - Change the World Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - Changing Minds
(Education, Gauteng) - CHELO
(Education, Western Cape) - Chic Mamas Do Care Durban
(Education, South Africa) - Children of Unity Foundation NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - chris Edeh
(Education, South Africa) - Christel House NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Christian Faith Worship C
(Education, South Africa) - Christian Family Church Bible College
(Education, South Africa) - Christian Life Private School
(Education, Gauteng) - CHRISTIANITYWORKS NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - CHUE Council
(Education, South Africa) - Church of God International Bible College
(Education, Gauteng) - CityKidz
(Education, Gauteng) - Class 2022
(Education, Gauteng) - ClemenGold Foundation NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Coffee Daddy NPO
(Education, South Africa) - Colin Campbell
(Education, South Africa) - Collect A Shoe Campaign
(Education, South Africa) - College of Transfiguration
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Collegiate Girls High Sch
(Education, South Africa) - Columba Leadership
(Education, South Africa) - Community Computer Training Project
(Education, South Africa) - Community Education and Training
(Education, Western Cape) - Community Empowerment Project
(Education, South Africa) - Commup projects
(Education, Gauteng) - company of prophets sa
(Education, South Africa) - Compass GF4GF Centre
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Conquest For Life
(Education, Gauteng) - Constance Lulama Benesh
(Education, Gauteng) - Constitution Hill Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - CORA
(Education, Western Cape) - Cordwalles Preparatory School
(Education, South Africa) - Council of St Johns College
(Education, Gauteng) - COVID Comms NPO
(Education, Gauteng) - Creating Stars NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Creating Stars NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Creative Skills Factory
(Education, South Africa) - Crew for a Cause
(Education, Western Cape) - Crosspoint Family Consultants
(Education, Western Cape) - Cultur Connect Conserva
(Education, Eastern Cape) - CVO Skool Pretoria
(Education, Gauteng) - Cyber Security Awareness Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Cynergy Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Cyril Ramaphosa Edu Trust
(Education, Gauteng)
D - Daktari Bush School & Wildlife Orphanage
(Education, Limpopo) - Dale College
(Education, Eastern Cape) - DALTON EDUCATION TRUST
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Dar Ahlil Quran
(Education, South Africa) - Dar al Turath al Islami
(Education, South Africa) - Dar al-Turath al-Islami
(Education, South Africa) - Dar al-Turath al-Islami
(Education, South Africa) - Dare Restoring Worth NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Darul Anwar
(Education, Western Cape) - Darul Ihsan Centre
(Education, South Africa) - DataDrive2030 NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Daughter of Destiny
(Education, South Africa) - Dawn Autism Foundation NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - DaySeven Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - De Caf Kafeteria
(Education, South Africa) - Deen Arts Foundation South Africa
(Education, Western Cape) - Deen Pro NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Deep Learning IndabaX Sou
(Education, Eastern Cape) - DEISI International
(Education, South Africa) - Denis Warren-Tangney
(Education, South Africa) - Deutsche Internationale Schule Kapstadt
(Education, South Africa) - Die Hoërskool Jan van Riebeeck 100 Gedenktrust
(Education, South Africa) - Die Hoerskool Sentraal Opvoedkundige Fonds Trust
(Education, Free State) - Die Oratorium Uitgewery
(Education, South Africa) - Diepsloot Youth Programme
(Education, Gauteng) - DIG4SA
(Education, Gauteng) - Digify Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Digital Dentistry Society SA NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa
(Education, South Africa) - DIVINE LIGHT MINISTRY
(Education, Gauteng) - Do4SA NPC NPO
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Doilie Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Donating to Sol Plaatje U
(Education, South Africa) - Donations
(Education, South Africa) - Down Syndrome Inclusive Education Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Drakensberg Boys Choir School
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Dream Star Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Dreams Development Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Drive More Safely NPO
(Education, South Africa) - DUBS MATHS PROGRAMME
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Durban Holocaust and Genocide Centre
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - DwarsriverValley Initiati
(Education, South Africa)
E - Eagle Christian College
(Education, South Africa) - Earth's Call Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Ebed-Melech Institute
(Education, South Africa) - Ed Bham Foundation Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Eden Leadership Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - EDSA Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - EDSA Foundation NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Edu HR Training and Development
(Education, Gauteng) - Edu-build Development
(Education, South Africa) - Edu-Care Mpame
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Edu4all
(Education, South Africa) - EdUAfrica
(Education, Free State) - Education Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Education and Entrepreneurial Evolution NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Education and Training Health and Safety
(Education, Gauteng) - Education Empowerment and Development Fund
(Education, Gauteng) - Education is Our Future
(Education, South Africa) - Edupack
(Education, Gauteng) - EDUPLEX
(Education, South Africa) - eduSOIL Education NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Edusoil Education NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Eduvator
(Education, South Africa) - EduVelo NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Eight Notes Academy
(Education, Gauteng) - Eksderde Kampe
(Education, Gauteng) - Ekukhanyeni Relief Project
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Els for Autism Charitable Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Elsen Academy
(Education, Eastern Cape) - EMIT
(Education, South Africa) - EMIT Leadership Development
(Education, South Africa) - Empire of Secondary Alumni Associations
(Education, South Africa) - Empowervate Trust - YCAP
(Education, South Africa) - Emthonjeni Community Centres
(Education, South Africa) - Enactus South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Engineers Without Borders South Africa
(Education, Gauteng) - English Academy of Southern Africa
(Education, Gauteng) - enke - Make Your Mark
(Education, South Africa) - Epic Solutions
(Education, South Africa) - Equal Education
(Education, Western Cape) - Equal Education
(Education, South Africa) - EQUIP-a-NATION
(Education, Western Cape) - Esther Naledzi
(Education, South Africa) - Eugene Marais Stigting NPC
(Education, South Africa) - EUPHORBIA COS
(Education, South Africa) - EvenMeShop
(Education, South Africa) - eXeByDrally
(Education, South Africa) - Exodus Youth SA
(Education, South Africa) - ExSight
(Education, Gauteng) - Extreme Project Solutions
(Education, Gauteng) - Eyes2Eyes
(Education, Western Cape)
F - Faded Black Innovations
(Education, South Africa) - Fairmont High School
(Education, Western Cape) - Family Care
(Education, South Africa) - Family Transformation
(Education, South Africa) - Fashion- Revolution South Africa NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Fatlhosang Development Trust
(Education, South Africa) - FBCRM MISSION SCHOOL
(Education, South Africa) - FCD Skills Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Fetola Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - FINANCIAL AID SA
(Education, Gauteng) - First Robotics South Africa NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Five Fish Foundation NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Flight Centre Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Flipping Education
(Education, South Africa) - FLOAM career exhibition
(Education, Gauteng) - Flojo Butterfly Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Focus on iThemba
(Education, South Africa) - Fonts for the Future
(Education, Gauteng) - Food 4 Thought Community Projects
(Education, South Africa) - Forest Town School
(Education, Gauteng) - Fort Hare Trust
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Founders School
(Education, South Africa) - FPD Fund
(Education, South Africa) - Freewalker
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Frontline Fellowship
(Education, South Africa) - Fulton School for the Deaf
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Fun Learning for Youth
(Education, South Africa) - Fund Raising
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Funda Kunye
(Education, South Africa) - Funda Lali
(Education, Western Cape) - Fundi Foundation Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - Future Farmers Foundation Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Futurefirst Foundation
(Education, Western Cape)
(Education, Eastern Cape) - GADRA Educational Welfare
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Gardens Commercial High School
(Education, South Africa) - Genesis Community IT Initiative
(Education, Western Cape) - Genesis Leadership Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Geopende Deure
(Education, Gauteng) - Gereformeerde Skoolvereniging Dirk Postma
(Education, Gauteng) - Germa Hattingh
(Education, South Africa) - Get Ahead Project Trust
(Education, Eastern Cape) - GetOn Foundation Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Ghetto Heroes Tech Innovation
(Education, Gauteng) - GiftedJack Mhlambi
(Education, South Africa) - Girl Code
(Education, Gauteng) - Girls Fly Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Giving Them Wings Foundation NPC
(Education, Eastern Cape) - GIVV
(Education, Gauteng) - Glenwood High School
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Global Challenge Expeditions
(Education, South Africa) - Global Leadership Network
(Education, South Africa) - Global Recordings Network Southern Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Go for Gold Tuition RF NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - GoDigitalSA Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - GoFunda
(Education, South Africa) - gold Youth Development Agency
(Education, Western Cape) - Good Work Foundation
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Grace-Lee Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Great Girls
(Education, South Africa) - GreenMatter
(Education, South Africa) - Greyton House Independent Village School
(Education, Western Cape) - Greyton House Village School
(Education, South Africa) - GRGS EDUCATIONAL TRUST
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Groundsix Lighthouse
(Education, Gauteng) - GroundUp News
(Education, Western Cape) - Gryphon Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - GSB Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - GSDP Boufonds
(Education, Gauteng)
(Education, South Africa) - Hamba Bamba Funda
(Education, South Africa) - Hand in Hand International
(Education, South Africa) - Hands up for reaching potential
(Education, Western Cape) - Happy Hands Fund NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Hardekool Akademie
(Education, Limpopo) - Hatfield Christian Online School
(Education, Gauteng) - Heart for Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Hebron Theological Coll
(Education, Gauteng) - HELP EDUCATE THE POOR
(Education, South Africa) - Help One Helper
(Education, Gauteng) - Helping Hands Igniting Hope
(Education, Gauteng) - Helpmekaar Kollege
(Education, Gauteng) - Hemel-en-Aarde Valley Pre-School
(Education, South Africa) - Heritage of Faith Bible Institute NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Hermanus Varsity Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - HeronBridge Training and Recource Centre
(Education, South Africa) - HEROZ
(Education, South Africa) - Highschool Generaal Hertzog
(Education, South Africa) - Hillcrest High School Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Hilton College Endowment Foundation Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Hoerskool Centurion Alumni Stigting
(Education, Gauteng) - Hoerskool Nelspruit
(Education, Mpumalanga) - HOLY CHILDHOOD SCHOOL
(Education, South Africa) - HOPE AFRICA COLLECTIVE
(Education, South Africa) - HOPE Recovered
(Education, South Africa) - Hope Valley Farm School
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - HS Jan van Riebeeck
(Education, Western Cape)
(Education, Gauteng) - Ibbamo Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - ICCSSA
(Education, South Africa) - IDIA
(Education, South Africa) - IEASA (Western Cape)
(Education, South Africa) - IEEDC Conference Series
(Education, South Africa) - Ignite Education Fund
(Education, South Africa) - Ignition Youth Development
(Education, Gauteng) - IHSP-SA
(Education, Eastern Cape) - iiFRi
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Ikamva Labantwa Bethu
(Education, Western Cape) - IkamvaYouth
(Education, Western Cape) - IKUSASELIHLE
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Ilitha Leseding Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Imam Abdullah Haroun Education Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Imam Haron Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Imbeleko Dr Seni Myeni Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Imbeleko Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - IMBiosciences Research institute
(Education, Eastern Cape) - IMED AFRICA NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Imhoff Dragontree Project
(Education, South Africa) - Imhoff Waldorf School
(Education, South Africa) - iMpilenhle Yethu
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Impilo Collection Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Impilo E Abundant NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - ImproveIT
(Education, Gauteng) - Inchanga Islamic Centre
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Inclusive Education South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Ingelosi Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Ingqalabutho Developmental Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Inhlanyelo Hub
(Education, South Africa) - Initiative Youth Development Program
(Education, Gauteng) - INKANYISO SCHOOL SHOES
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Inkazimulo
(Education, South Africa) - Inkululeko In Mind
(Education, South Africa) - Innocentia Motau
(Education, South Africa) - Innovation Of Excellence
(Education, South Africa) - Inspire U Foundation
(Education, Limpopo) - InspireZA
(Education, Gauteng) - Institute 4 Success
(Education, South Africa) - Institute of Certified SME Managers
(Education, Gauteng) - Institute of Emerging Technologies SA
(Education, South Africa) - Institute of Packaging SA
(Education, Gauteng) - International College of Bible and Missions
(Education, South Africa) - International Fiscal Association South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - International Peace College South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Internet Society Gauteng Chapter
(Education, South Africa) - Intyatyambo Community Project
(Education, South Africa) - Invictohelp
(Education, South Africa) - Iqraa Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Iris Ministries Knysna
(Education, Western Cape) - ISC2 GAUTENG CHAPTER NPC
(Education, South Africa) - iSchoolAfrica My Future Campaign
(Education, South Africa) - iThemba Preschool Capricorn
(Education, South Africa) - iThemba Preschool Capricorn
(Education, South Africa) - iThemba School Capricorn
(Education, South Africa) - iThemba School Capricorn
(Education, South Africa) - IWFCI South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Izibalo NPC
(Education, Eastern Cape)
J - Jabulani Junior Primary
(Education, Gauteng) - JAG Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Jam Eyyatul Qurra
(Education, South Africa) - Jamiatul Ulum al Islamiyy
(Education, Gauteng) - Japari School
(Education, South Africa) - JBCC
(Education, South Africa) - JDI Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Jeppe Boys Association
(Education, Gauteng) - Jeppe High School for Girls
(Education, South Africa) - Jeppe Schools Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Jessica Denyschen
(Education, Gauteng) - JGE Funding Trust
(Education, South Africa) - JHB Torah Institute NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Jirah Projects
(Education, South Africa) - JNF SouthAfrica
(Education, South Africa) - Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre
(Education, South Africa) - John Ashcroft
(Education, South Africa) - John Lucas
(Education, Western Cape) - John Wesley School
(Education, South Africa) - Joseph Business School Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Joy Ministries Lambton
(Education, Gauteng) - JumpStart
(Education, Gauteng) - Just Grace
(Education, South Africa) - Just the One Foundation
(Education, South Africa)
K - K2019109123
(Education, Gauteng) - KAGISO TRUST
(Education, Gauteng) - Kamohelo Development Foundation NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Kara P Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Karos & Kambro
(Education, Gauteng) - Kay Mason Foundation SA T
(Education, Western Cape) - Kearsney College Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Keep Going Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - KENMARE MARLOTHII NPO
(Education, South Africa) - KEY INTER HONOUR SOCIE
(Education, Gauteng) - Kgololo Academy NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Kgosi Neighbourhood Foundation NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Khanya Talent Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - KhensanisCollection
(Education, South Africa) - Khula Community Centre
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Khulisani Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - khuliso Mufamadi
(Education, South Africa) - Khuphula Social Causes NPO
(Education, South Africa) - Kidlinks Small Farm Incubator
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Kingdom Labourers Ministries
(Education, South Africa) - Kingdom Lifestyle Ministries International
(Education, South Africa) - Kings School Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Kingsmead College NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Kliptown Youth Program
(Education, South Africa) - Knysna Education Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Knysna Initiative for Learning and Teaching NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Kokerboom Biological Station NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Kollel Yad Shaul
(Education, South Africa) - Kutanga Sponsorship and Bursary Programmes
(Education, South Africa) - Kuthetha Ilanga
(Education, South Africa) - Kuzondlula Motivational Tour KMT
(Education, South Africa) - KwaCare
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal)
L - Lady Talk Matters
(Education, South Africa) - Ladybird Bursary Fund
(Education, Gauteng) - Laerskool Bakenkop
(Education, Gauteng) - Laerskool Goedehoop
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Laerskool Nelspruit
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Laerskool Pretoria-Oos
(Education, Gauteng) - Laerskool Randhart
(Education, Gauteng) - Laerskool Randhart
(Education, South Africa) - Laerskool Unika
(Education, South Africa) - LAERSKOOL WORCESTER-OOS
(Education, Western Cape) - Lambano Academy NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Langenhoven HS
(Education, South Africa) - LAVSA
(Education, South Africa) - LAW SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA
(Education, Gauteng) - LBOC Fund
(Education, South Africa) - Le Furile
(Education, Gauteng) - Leaderless - Long Ride To Freedom
(Education, Western Cape) - Leaderless NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - LEAP Science and Maths School
(Education, South Africa) - LEARN Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Learn to Earn
(Education, South Africa) - Learners Movement of South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Learning In Reach
(Education, South Africa) - Leeuwknop Fondsinsameling
(Education, Limpopo) - Leigh Brown
(Education, South Africa) - Lenasia Muslim School
(Education, Gauteng) - Lenasia Muslim School
(Education, Gauteng) - Leolan Academy
(Education, Western Cape) - Lerasa
(Education, South Africa) - Lesego Tau Education Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Lettie Fouche School
(Education, Free State) - lib africa project
(Education, South Africa) - Liberal Christian Organisation
(Education, Western Cape) - Life Choices
(Education, Western Cape) - Life Development Cycling Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Life Improvement Centre
(Education, Gauteng) - Life Righting Collective
(Education, Western Cape) - Lift 'em High
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Lifting Dreams
(Education, Gauteng) - Ligbron AcademTech Hostel
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Ligbron Academy of Techn
(Education, South Africa) - Light the World
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Linc Church NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Link to Grow Club Western Cape
(Education, South Africa) - Literacy For Life
(Education, South Africa) - Literacy4life
(Education, South Africa) - Literature Association of South Africa - LASA
(Education, South Africa) - Little Leaps School for Autism
(Education, South Africa) - Little Leaps School for Autism
(Education, South Africa) - littleangelseducarecentre
(Education, South Africa) - Lockhat Islamia College
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Loekie van Wyk THS Funding Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - Londa Mutomba
(Education, Gauteng) - Louwrens Abraham Erasmus Opheffingstrust
(Education, Western Cape) - Love Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Lulamaphiko
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Luma Learn Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Lutheran Theological Semi
(Education, Gauteng) - LUVUYO CENTRE
(Education, South Africa)
M - MAD Leadership Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - MAD2Adventures for a Cause
(Education, South Africa) - Madina Institute South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Madrasah Mueinul Islam
(Education, South Africa) - Madrassah Haseenul Islam
(Education, Gauteng) - Madrassatu Saalihaat
(Education, Western Cape) - Mahasiddha Kadampa Meditation Centre
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Makhosi Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Maktabza NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Maluti Foundation
(Education, Free State) - Mammoth Bursary
(Education, South Africa) - Mamphela Ramphela Creche
(Education, Limpopo) - Manaka Development Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - Mandela Rhodes Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Mangosuthu University of Technology
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Mapungubwe Institute
(Education, South Africa) - Marianne Felix
(Education, South Africa) - Marist Association NPC
(Education, South Africa) - MARIST BROTHERS LINMEYER
(Education, Gauteng) - Maritzburg College Found
(Education, South Africa) - Maritzburg College High School
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Mark Swartz
(Education, South Africa) - Mars Goldshtein
(Education, Gauteng) - MARY-NI BRITZ
(Education, South Africa) - Maryna Boddenberg
(Education, Gauteng) - Maserale Education Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Masibulele Educare Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Masikhule
(Education, South Africa) - Masikhule
(Education, South Africa) - Masinyusane
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Masiphumelele Corporation
(Education, Western Cape) - Master Mind Foundation NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Maths Centre Incorporating Sciences
(Education, South Africa) - mathyszenloop youth organisation
(Education, South Africa) - Matlhogonolo Community Outreach Centre
(Education, Gauteng) - MATSOBANE FRANS LESO
(Education, South Africa) - MBA North
(Education, South Africa) - Medan Bekrstos International Gospel Ministry
(Education, Gauteng) - Melchizadek Order Ministries NPC
(Education, South Africa) - MELTON INSTITUTE
(Education, South Africa) - MESA AFRICA NPC
(Education, South Africa) - MH FOUNDATION
(Education, South Africa) - MIBSA - Moms in Business SA
(Education, Gauteng) - Michael Mount Waldorf School
(Education, South Africa) - Michaelhouse Community Partnership Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - MichaelsAngels
(Education, South Africa) - Midlands Meander Association Education Project
(Education, South Africa) - Midlands Meander Association Education Project
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Million-Moulding
(Education, South Africa) - Mind Empowers Youth Organisation NPO
(Education, South Africa) - Mindful Education
(Education, Western Cape) - Mingcele Africa NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Mitchells Plain Bursary and Role Models Trust
(Education, South Africa) - MoAfrika Ithlokomele Educational Projects
(Education, Gauteng) - Mobsiekids Playschool
(Education, Gauteng) - Modise Makhetha
(Education, South Africa) - Mogolo Academy
(Education, Eastern Cape) - mohsin ragie
(Education, South Africa) - Molo Mhlaba NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Molteno Institute for language and literacy
(Education, Gauteng) - Montrose Primary School
(Education, South Africa) - Morasha Education and Outreach Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - More To Life Cape Town
(Education, South Africa) - Mosawathuto centre for people with disabilities
(Education, Gauteng) - Motheo Training Institute Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Moutse Foundation For Education
(Education, South Africa) - Move Group Foundation NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - MOZaic Upliftment
(Education, South Africa) - Mpendulo Educational Solutions
(Education, Gauteng) - Mpumalanga ICT Academy NPC
(Education, South Africa) - MR Foundation NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Mr Price Foundation NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - MSTC
(Education, Gauteng) - Musa Manzi
(Education, Gauteng) - Mustard Seed Tree
(Education, South Africa) - Myco Multipurpose Centre
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Mzansi Poetry Academy
(Education, South Africa)
N - N E Ministry NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - N Sewraj
(Education, South Africa) - NABISA
(Education, Western Cape) - Namoha Primary School
(Education, South Africa) - Namukisa Foundation Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - National Asthma Education Programme
(Education, Western Cape) - National Education Activation Trust NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Native Care Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Ncinci Ones Montessori
(Education, South Africa) - NEET
(Education, Gauteng) - Neo Youth Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Never Hide Training
(Education, Mpumalanga) - New Creation Equipping NPC
(Education, South Africa) - New West Secondary School
(Education, South Africa) - NExLA
(Education, South Africa) - Nigel Youth Development Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Nika Capital NPC
(Education, South Africa) - NjinjiFoundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Nokwe Creative Development Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Nomonde Magubane
(Education, Gauteng) - Non-Fiction School
(Education, South Africa) - NRM SOUTHERN AFRICA CHAPTER
(Education, South Africa) - Nsasani Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Nthuse Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Ntshole Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Numeric
(Education, South Africa)
(Education, Gauteng) - Oasis Christian Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Oasis Christian Church
(Education, Gauteng) - OHASA
(Education, Western Cape) - Ohr Somayach
(Education, Western Cape) - Ohr Somayach Institutions
(Education, South Africa) - Ohr Somayach Sandton
(Education, South Africa) - Old Boys Paul Roos Gymnasium
(Education, South Africa) - Old Greys' Union
(Education, South Africa) - Old Stithian Association
(Education, South Africa) - Old Testament Society in SA
(Education, South Africa) - Old Unionite Association
(Education, South Africa) - OLICO Maths Education NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Olympians Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Olympus Online Education NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - OM South Africa
(Education, Gauteng) - One South Africa Movement NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - OneVoice South Africa
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Open Plan Learning
(Education, South Africa) - OR Tambo School of Leadership
(Education, South Africa) - Oranjezicht City Farm
(Education, South Africa) - Orphans Education Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Osieteddies Kleinkindontwikkelingsentrum
(Education, Limpopo) - Osizweni Education and Development Trust
(Education, South Africa) - OTASA
(Education, South Africa) - Outliers
(Education, South Africa)
P - PainSA
(Education, South Africa) - Palabora Foundation Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Pan Africa ILGA
(Education, South Africa) - Panda Knowledge Factory NPC
(Education, South Africa) - PANTSULA WITH A PURPOSE
(Education, Western Cape) - Partnership for a Digital Africa NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Pass It On Training Centre
(Education, Gauteng) - Patricia Ihlenfeldt
(Education, South Africa) - Patrick Nndwamato
(Education, Gauteng) - Patrick Nndwamato Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Pay it Forward Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - PBHSOB Association
(Education, South Africa) - Penreach NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Penryn NPC
(Education, Mpumalanga) - People Investing in Needs of Communities
(Education, South Africa) - Permanent Make Association of South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Perpetua House
(Education, South Africa) - PHA4GE
(Education, Western Cape) - Phakamani Young Minds Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Phenduka Literacy and Maths Project
(Education, South Africa) - Philenkosini Educare
(Education, Gauteng) - Philippi Childrens Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - Phronesis Students Development Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School
(Education, Western Cape) - Pink Pack Project
(Education, Gauteng) - Pioneer Printers NPO
(Education, South Africa) - Play Africa Group
(Education, South Africa) - Playalot Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Pleace Golf Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Plettenberg Bay Christian School
(Education, Western Cape) - PMI South Africa Chapter
(Education, South Africa) - POPAI SA
(Education, Western Cape) - Port St Johns Youth Ministry
(Education, Eastern Cape) - PPS Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Pretoria Boys High School
(Education, Gauteng) - Pretoria Institute for Ar
(Education, South Africa) - Principals Fund
(Education, Western Cape) - Prism of Hope
(Education, South Africa) - Privaatskool Amajuba CVO
(Education, South Africa) - Prochorus Community Development NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - ProEdX
(Education, Gauteng) - Professor Modiba MCM Scholarship Fund
(Education, Gauteng) - Programme for Technological Careers
(Education, South Africa) - Project Imbewu
(Education, Western Cape) - Project Intombi
(Education, Gauteng) - Project Literacy Education Centres NPC
(Education, South Africa) - PROTEC
(Education, South Africa) - Pulse
(Education, South Africa) - Pure Hope School
(Education, Gauteng) - Purelight Missions
(Education, Mpumalanga)
Q R - Rabboni Privaat Christen Skool
(Education, North West) - Radio KC
(Education, Western Cape) - Rainbow Education Skill NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Raise The Children International
(Education, South Africa) - RAM Maritime Center for Excellence
(Education, South Africa) - Ramp Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - RAPDASA
(Education, South Africa) - RASA
(Education, Western Cape) - Ratio Christi NPC
(Education, North West) - RE:NEW Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Reach Make It NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Readers R Leaders
(Education, South Africa) - Readers Society of South Africa
(Education, Gauteng) - Rebbes Mussar Stories
(Education, South Africa) - RecruitAgri NPC
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Red Apple Dyslexia Association
(Education, South Africa) - Reddam Community Development Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Regenesys Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Rehauhetswe Academic Institute
(Education, South Africa) - Rehoboth Global Network
(Education, Gauteng) - ReimagiNation Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Rene January
(Education, South Africa) - Retail Institute of South Africa
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Rhiza Babuyile
(Education, South Africa) - Right2Know Campaign
(Education, Western Cape) - RingaRosy Toy Library
(Education, South Africa) - Rise Nation Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Rising Lights Foundation NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - riversands incubation hub
(Education, Gauteng) - RLABS
(Education, South Africa) - Roedean School SA
(Education, South Africa) - Royal Cradle Empowerment Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Royal Drakensberg Primary School
(Education, South Africa) - Royal Society of South Africa
(Education, Western Cape) - RSA Society of Biomechanics
(Education, Western Cape) - Running with Horses
(Education, Western Cape) - Rural Education Access Program
(Education, Western Cape)
S - SA Cricket Academy Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - SA Entrepreneurship Empowerment
(Education, Gauteng) - SA Institute for Business Strategy Development
(Education, South Africa) - SA Medical and Education Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - SA Music Foundation NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - SA Old Roedeanians SAORA
(Education, South Africa) - SA SEC SOCIETY
(Education, South Africa) - SA Society of Endodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry
(Education, South Africa) - SA Teen Entrepreneur Trust
(Education, South Africa) - SA Website for NPO Organisations
(Education, Gauteng) - SA YOUTH TEAM
(Education, Gauteng) - SAACI Academy
(Education, South Africa) - SAAJA Projects
(Education, South Africa) - SAAPAM
(Education, Gauteng) - SACAC
(Education, South Africa) - SACEE Polokwane
(Education, South Africa) - SACIA
(Education, South Africa) - SACS HIGH SCHOOL
(Education, South Africa) - SACSS
(Education, South Africa) - SADD
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - SADICO
(Education, South Africa) - SADTA
(Education, South Africa)
(Education, South Africa) - SAFE
(Education, South Africa) - Safe Study
(Education, Gauteng) - SAHETI Alumni Association Support Fund
(Education, South Africa) - SAIMC NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - SAISI
(Education, Gauteng) - Sakhikamva Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Sakhimfundo Youth Program
(Education, Gauteng) - Salesian Life Choices
(Education, South Africa) - SANIP/EQASA
(Education, South Africa) - SAOA
(Education, South Africa) - SASOCP
(Education, Gauteng) - SASOPh
(Education, South Africa) - SASSFE
(Education, South Africa) - Sassit
(Education, Gauteng) - Savanna
(Education, Western Cape) - SAYIPA
(Education, Gauteng) - School Aid SA
(Education, Gauteng) - School of Hard Knocks
(Education, South Africa) - School of Samaya
(Education, South Africa) - SchoolNet South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Schools Infra Care
(Education, Limpopo) - Scriptorium Research and Storytelling Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Scriptura Academia NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - SDF-SA
(Education, Western Cape) - SEA BISCUIT FOUNDATION NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Seal College
(Education, Western Cape) - Sechaba Lefatse NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Second Chance
(Education, South Africa) - Second Chance Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - SEED
(Education, South Africa) - Seeds of Africa 2
(Education, Gauteng) - Self Organised Learning Environments Institute NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Sello's Computer Institute
(Education, North West) - Sello's Computer Institute
(Education, North West) - Sentrum vir Geloofsvormin
(Education, Western Cape) - Sepheo NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Seth Mokitimi Methodist Seminary
(Education, South Africa) - Seven Passes Initiative
(Education, Western Cape) - Sex Educvation Research and Advocacy Agency
(Education, South Africa) - Shaarei Torah Association of SA
(Education, South Africa) - Shama Ministries
(Education, South Africa) - Shama Training
(Education, South Africa) - SHARP Digital
(Education, Western Cape) - Shield Consortium NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - SHINE - Serving Humanity In Need Everywhere
(Education, South Africa) - Sign Language Education & Development
(Education, Western Cape) - Sihle Tshabalala
(Education, South Africa) - Siphakeme
(Education, South Africa) - Sir lowry's Pass Community Empowerment Project
(Education, South Africa) - Sithanda ukufunda - We love to read
(Education, South Africa) - Sithanda Upliftment Projects
(Education, South Africa) - Siyanqoba Business Forum
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Siyasiza
(Education, South Africa) - Siyavula Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Siyazenzela Youth Transition
(Education, South Africa) - Sizanani
(Education, South Africa) - Sizanani Charity South Africa
(Education, Gauteng) - Sizanani Mentorship Programme
(Education, South Africa) - Sizanani mentorship programme
(Education, Gauteng) - Sizolomphakathi ECD
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Skill Exchange Makerspace
(Education, South Africa) - SkillX
(Education, South Africa) - Smart Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Soapbox Foundation NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Social Capital Network
(Education, South Africa) - Social Enterprise Academy
(Education, South Africa) - societyofmidwives
(Education, Gauteng) - Soetwater Environment Education Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - Solidariteit Sentrum vir Voortgesette leer NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Somerset College NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Songa Mbele Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Sonskyn Kleuterskool
(Education, South Africa) - Sound Doctrine Hub
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - South Africa Learners Command NPC
(Education, South Africa) - South Africa System Dynamics Chapter
(Education, South Africa) - South African Actuaries Development Programme
(Education, Gauteng) - South African Allergy & C
(Education, South Africa) - South African Association for Language Teaching
(Education, South Africa) - South African Career Development Association
(Education, South Africa) - South African Friends of the Hebrew University
(Education, South Africa) - South African Graduates
(Education, Gauteng) - South African I.T. Training Centres
(Education, South Africa) - South African Inspiration Foundation Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - South African Institute f
(Education, South Africa) - South African Institute of Stockbrokers
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
(Education, Gauteng) - South African Lebanese Education Advancement Fund
(Education, Gauteng) - South African Mathematics
(Education, South Africa) - South African National Library and Information Con
(Education, South Africa) - South African School Sanitary
(Education, Western Cape) - South African Schools Debating Board
(Education, South Africa) - South African Scout Association
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - South African Skin Cancer Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR
(Education, South Africa) - South African Tax Practitioners Union
(Education, South Africa) - South African Theological
(Education, South Africa) - South African Training Providers Forum
(Education, South Africa) - South AFrican Transactional analysis Assoc
(Education, South Africa) - South African Transactional Analysis Association
(Education, Western Cape) - South African Youth Co-operative Network
(Education, South Africa) - South Africas helping hand
(Education, Limpopo) - Southcity Christian Colle
(Education, South Africa) - Southern African Business Development Forum
(Education, South Africa) - Southern African Neurosci
(Education, Gauteng) - Southern African Regional Universities Association
(Education, Western Cape) - Soweto Marimba Youth League (SMYLe) Trust
(Education, South Africa) - SpaceToSay Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Sparrow Schools Educational Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - Sparrow Schools Educational Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Special Wings Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Spell It Tutoring
(Education, South Africa) - Spiral Institute of Kabbalah
(Education, South Africa) - Sponsor a Child
(Education, South Africa) - St Andrews Old Girls Association
(Education, South Africa) - St Augustine College of South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - St Benedict's Trust
(Education, South Africa) - St Charles College Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - St Columbas School
(Education, South Africa) - St Cyprians Union
(Education, South Africa) - St David's Marist Inanda
(Education, Gauteng) - St Davids Marist Foundat
(Education, Gauteng) - St Davids Marist Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - St Goss Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - St Henry's Marist College
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - St Johns College
(Education, Gauteng) - St Johns College
(Education, Gauteng) - St Marys Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - St Marys Foundation Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - St Stithians College
(Education, Gauteng) - St Stithians College
(Education, South Africa) - St Teresas School
(Education, Gauteng) - St Teresas School
(Education, South Africa) - Stars Arise
(Education, Gauteng) - Starting Chance Trust
(Education, South Africa) - STEAM FOUNDATION NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Stella Pre-Primary School and Care Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Step by Step Day Care Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Stephanie Slabbert
(Education, South Africa) - Stone Dragon
(Education, South Africa) - Streetlight Schools
(Education, Gauteng) - Strong Schools Community Collaborative
(Education, South Africa) - Student Sponsorship Progr
(Education, Gauteng) - Student's Health and Welfare Centres Organisation
(Education, South Africa) - StudentePlein
(Education, Western Cape) - Study To Serve Institute
(Education, South Africa) - Sumbandila Scholarship Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Summit Primary School
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - SUMMITS WITH A PURPOSE NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Sunrise Primary School
(Education, South Africa) - Sunshine Life Centre
(Education, Eastern Cape) - SuperScientists-CodeMakers
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Suzette Jonker
(Education, South Africa) - Sweet Valley Primary School
(Education, Western Cape) - Sylvetser Magwaza
(Education, South Africa) - Symphoney Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - SYS Foundation
(Education, Gauteng)
T - Takalani Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Take A Child To School
(Education, South Africa) - Take Action Ministry
(Education, South Africa) - Talk English
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Tanjia Van Der Walt
(Education, South Africa) - Teach the Future SA
(Education, Western Cape) - Teach The Nation NPO
(Education, Western Cape) - TeachBeyond South Africa
(Education, North West) - Tebbie Terblanche Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - Tebogo Matlala
(Education, South Africa) - TechnoLife Wise Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - TEJ Foundation NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Temo SME Coach NPC
(Education, North West) - Teologiese Opleidingstrust-Pretoria
(Education, South Africa) - TGN foundation
(Education, North West) - Thabiso Skills Developmen
(Education, Free State) - Thabo Malapile
(Education, South Africa) - Thabo Mbeki Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Thando Church
(Education, Gauteng) - Thandulwazi Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - The Abrahamic Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - The Actuarial Society of
(Education, South Africa) - The Alchemy Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - The Alpha Course South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - The Amazon Leadership Initiative
(Education, Gauteng) - The Angelrock Project South Africa NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - The Ark New Covenant
(Education, Western Cape) - The Assumption Convent School
(Education, Gauteng) - The BEAR Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Bible Society of Sout
(Education, South Africa) - The Bible Talks
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Bishops Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The Bookery
(Education, South Africa) - The Breede Centre Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The Centre for Language and Hearing Impaired Child
(Education, Gauteng) - The Children Of God Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - The Christian Academy of Truth
(Education, Gauteng) - The Click Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Clifton Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Coding Ground
(Education, South Africa) - The Collegia Trust
(Education, Eastern Cape) - THE COWAN HOUSE TRUST NPC
(Education, South Africa) - The David Rattray Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - The Desmond Tutu Tutudesk Campaign Centre
(Education, South Africa) - The Difference Makers NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - The Diocesan School for Girls
(Education, Eastern Cape) - The Doodle Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The DUAI Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Eagle Trust
(Education, South Africa) - THE EARLY EDUCATION CENTRE
(Education, South Africa) - THE EDU-CARE FOUNDATION
(Education, Gauteng) - The Education Support Forum
(Education, South Africa) - The Edupower Learning Fund NPC
(Education, South Africa) - The Feenix Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - The FEST Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Forum for Professional Nurse Leaders
(Education, Gauteng) - The Foundation of School Leadership and Management
(Education, South Africa) - The GAP College NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - The Gastroenterology Foundation of SA Charitable T
(Education, Western Cape) - The Gloria Malakoane Dimakatso Memorial Fund
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Grape Community
(Education, Western Cape) - The Grove Primary School
(Education, South Africa) - The Hill Day Care Centre
(Education, Gauteng) - The Human Entrepreneur NPO
(Education, South Africa) - The Humane Education
(Education, South Africa) - The I Schools
(Education, South Africa) - The I SEEU TRUST
(Education, Western Cape) - THE IIBA-SA
(Education, South Africa) - The Ikey Development Foundation Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - The Imam Kurani Institute for Islamic Studies
(Education, Western Cape) - The Imbumba Foundation Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The Imbumba Foundation Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The Imhoff Waldorf School Association
(Education, South Africa) - The Imilli Project
(Education, South Africa) - The Infinite Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - The Institute of Plumbing
(Education, South Africa) - The Islamic Library
(Education, South Africa) - The James Christopher Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Johannesburg Chedar
(Education, Gauteng) - The Joshua Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The King School Robinhills
(Education, Gauteng) - The Kusasa Project
(Education, South Africa) - The Lalela Project Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - The Landscape Architecture Cape Town Association
(Education, Western Cape) - The Learning Initiative
(Education, South Africa) - The Leoka Mphuthi
(Education, Gauteng) - The Little Rose Centre
(Education, South Africa) - The Living Link
(Education, Gauteng) - The Mine Ventilation Society of SA
(Education, Gauteng) - The Miracle Drive Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The New Nation Education NPO
(Education, Gauteng) - The Open Mosque
(Education, South Africa) - The Organ Donor Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - The Organ Donor Foundation of SA
(Education, South Africa) - The P-STEM Foundation NPC
(Education, South Africa) - The PEACE Foundation Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - THE PEACOCK TREE
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Philani Cebekhulu Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - The Preeva Foundation NPC
(Education, South Africa) - The Principals Academy Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - The Property Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Raphaeli Waldorf School
(Education, Western Cape) - The RealStart Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The Richard Fisher Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Rising Son
(Education, South Africa) - The Ruta Sechaba Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - The SA Institute of Archi
(Education, South Africa) - THE SACS ENDOWMENT TRUST
(Education, Western Cape) - The Sactwu Edufundi Project NPC
(Education, South Africa) - The Saint Henry's Marist Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Selborne Foundation Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The SHAZH Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - The Social Project
(Education, South Africa) - The Society For Children And Adults With Autism
(Education, Gauteng) - The South African Hall of Fame Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - The South African Society
(Education, Gauteng) - The Southern Cape Educational Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - The Sprouts Organisation
(Education, Western Cape) - The Student Fund
(Education, South Africa) - The Sustainability Institute
(Education, Western Cape) - The Tag Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - The Thomas More Foundation
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Torah Academy
(Education, South Africa) - The Tshepo Trust
(Education, South Africa) - The Ubusha Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - The Unlimited Child
(Education, South Africa) - The Unlimited Child
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Vine School
(Education, South Africa) - The Vula Programme at Hilton College
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - THE WAY Christian School
(Education, South Africa) - The Way Ministries Mission
(Education, Western Cape) - The Wayne Mathew Naidoo Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - The WHPS Foundations of Tomorrow Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - The Woodridge Foundation NPC
(Education, Eastern Cape) - The Word For The World
(Education, South Africa) - The WPPS Fund
(Education, South Africa) - The Wykeham Collegiate
(Education, South Africa) - Thembelihle School
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Thembinkosi Day Care Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - Theologos School of Ministry
(Education, South Africa) - Thinabantu Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Thinking Empire 4 kids
(Education, South Africa) - Thinking Schools South Africa NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Third Sector Insights NPT
(Education, South Africa) - Thread Ikasi Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Three Peaks School NPC
(Education, South Africa) - THUD Entrepreneurship Development NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Thulisile Vuza
(Education, South Africa) - Thuma Mina Teaching
(Education, Western Cape) - Thusa Education
(Education, Gauteng) - Thusanani Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - TILT International NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Timbavati Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Tintlhari Education
(Education, South Africa) - Tiqwa School
(Education, South Africa) - Tirisano Childrens Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Tlou Foundation College NPO
(Education, Gauteng) - TMCDF
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Today 4 Tomorrow
(Education, Western Cape) - Tomorrow Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Top Tutors NPO
(Education, South Africa) - Torah Academy Childrens Educational Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Totis Viribus Trust
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Tots Nursery
(Education, Western Cape) - Touch Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Touch Point Wellbeing NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Township Coders
(Education, Gauteng) - Train Pain Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Transforming Kids
(Education, Gauteng) - Transoranje Instituut vir Buitengewone Onderwys
(Education, South Africa) - Tree
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Trevor Noah Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Trinity Childrens Centre
(Education, Western Cape) - Trinity Schools Knysna
(Education, Western Cape) - Tshiamiso Astronauts
(Education, Gauteng) - TSIBA Edcuation NPC
(Education, Western Cape) - Tubatse Edu Support Group
(Education, Limpopo) - TUKS Student Surgical Soc
(Education, South Africa) - Two Oceans Aquarium Educa
(Education, South Africa) - TWW Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Tygerpoort Onderwys Trust
(Education, Gauteng)
U - Ubomi Charitable Trust
(Education, Western Cape) - Ubuhle Christian School
(Education, Gauteng) - Ubuntu Bobethu
(Education, South Africa) - Ubuntu Football Trust
(Education, South Africa) - UBUNTU WOMEN
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Ukhanyo Foundation NPO
(Education, Western Cape) - Ukusiza Abafundi
(Education, Western Cape) - Ulundi Independent School
(Education, South Africa) - Ummah Heart
(Education, Gauteng) - Umnyama
(Education, Western Cape) - umpeme wesizwe center
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Umphakathi Development and Training NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Unashamedly Ethical
(Education, Western Cape) - Union High School Development Trust
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Union of Jewish Women
(Education, South Africa) - United Way South Africa NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Universities Alliance South Africa
(Education, Western Cape) - Unto Fullness Resource
(Education, Free State) - Upbeat Youth Centre
(Education, South Africa) - Upcycle Foundation NPC
(Education, Gauteng) - Uplands NPC
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Uplands Outreach
(Education, South Africa)
V - V Talks by Dr Veni Andrew
(Education, Gauteng) - Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre
(Education, South Africa) - VANESSA-JAYNE MORTASSAGNE
(Education, South Africa) - VCCT VKPS
(Education, South Africa) - Vedanta Institute
(Education, South Africa) - Vedanta Institute Durban Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Vedanta Institute Durban Trust
(Education, South Africa) - Vereniging vir Afrikaanse Wiskunde-onderwysers
(Education, South Africa) - Veritas College International (SA)
(Education, South Africa) - Victory Christian School
(Education, Eastern Cape) - Village Tech Academy
(Education, Western Cape) - Vineyard Christian Commun
(Education, South Africa) - Vision AfriKa
(Education, South Africa) - VivA Afrikaans
(Education, South Africa) - Voortrekker High School
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - VORIOSA
(Education, South Africa) - Vuka SA
(Education, South Africa) - Vuleka
(Education, Gauteng) - Vuleka ELC and Primary Schools
(Education, Gauteng) - Vulindlela Educational Trust
(Education, Gauteng) - Vuselela School Makeover
(Education, South Africa) - VUYA Foundation
(Education, South Africa)
W - Walter Mbongolwane
(Education, South Africa) - Waterberg Academy
(Education, South Africa) - Waterford Kamhlaba Foundation of South Africa
(Education, Gauteng) - Waterkloof House Preparatory School
(Education, South Africa) - We Think Code NPC
(Education, South Africa) - Web Crew
(Education, South Africa) - Western Cape Primary Science Programme
(Education, South Africa) - Westville Boys High School Foundation NPC
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Westville Old Boys Assoc
(Education, KwaZulu-Natal) - Whale Coast Conservation
(Education, South Africa) - Wildlife Education Foundation - WEF
(Education, South Africa) - Wish Come True Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - WITS FOUNDATION
(Education, South Africa) - Women of the World
(Education, South Africa) - Won Life
(Education, South Africa) - Wonderland Kids
(Education, Gauteng) - Word on Fire
(Education, Gauteng) - WordSpread Foundation
(Education, Western Cape) - Wordworks
(Education, South Africa) - World Assembly of Muslim Youth
(Education, South Africa) - Wortelgat Outreach Trust
(Education, South Africa) - WUMEA
(Education, Gauteng) - WWP
(Education, Gauteng) - Wynberg Old Boys' Union
(Education, South Africa)
Y -
(Education, Western Cape) - Yami Community Projects
(Education, Mpumalanga) - Yellowbus Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Yeshiva College Schools of South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - YoAfrica Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Young Cavaliers Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Young World Educare
(Education, South Africa) - youth development in education
(Education, South Africa) - Youth Empowerment Organisation
(Education, Gauteng) - Youth In Transformation
(Education, South Africa) - Youth In Tune
(Education, South Africa) - Youth Life
(Education, South Africa) - Youth With A Mission Muizenberg
(Education, South Africa)