1 2 3 4 6 7 8 A - A G S VAN S A WESTDENE
(Community, South Africa) - A MILLION REASONS TO DO GOOD NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - A4P
(Community, Gauteng) - Abanqobi Conquerors Forum NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Abba Embrace Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Abduragman Hadien
(Community, South Africa) - Accendo Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - ACKV
(Community, South Africa) - ACSA
(Community, Gauteng) - Action chapel international
(Community, South Africa) - Action Development Agency
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - ActionAid South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Active Residents of South Africa
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - ACTS ( A Centre That Serves)
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Acts Christian Church
(Community, South Africa) - Acts Christian Church
(Community, South Africa) - Adam Kok Royal House
(Community, Northern Cape) - Adams Mission Community SOS Centre
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Adass Yeshurun Community Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - ADIMO
(Community, South Africa) - Admiring Love NPC trading as The GMF
(Community, Gauteng) - ADVENTURE CHURCH
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Adventure n Beyond
(Community, Gauteng) - Adventures4Christ
(Community, Gauteng) - AEB Itinerant Roy Daniel
(Community, Western Cape) - AEB North West
(Community, South Africa) - Affinity Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - AFIMA
(Community, Gauteng) - Aflame Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - AFM DYR
(Community, South Africa) - AFM OF SA
(Community, South Africa) - AFM Welfare
(Community, Gauteng) - AFRIBIZ FOUNDATION
(Community, South Africa) - AFRICA AWAKENING
(Community, South Africa) - Africa Embrace
(Community, South Africa) - Africa Evangelistic Band
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Africa Evangelistic Band
(Community, Western Cape) - Africa Evangelistic Band
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Africa Evangelistic Band
(Community, South Africa) - Africa Inland Mission
(Community, South Africa) - Africa Jam Youth Outreach
(Community, South Africa) - Africa!Ignite
(Community, South Africa) - Africa2Africa Connections Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - African Blessings
(Community, South Africa) - African Christian Democratic Party
(Community, South Africa) - African Democratic Change
(Community, South Africa) - African Development Network
(Community, South Africa) - African Diaspora Forum
(Community, Gauteng) - African Diaspora Global Network
(Community, South Africa) - African Enterprise
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - African Humanist Association
(Community, Gauteng) - African Inspired Dream Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - African Liberty Movement
(Community, Gauteng) - African National Congress
(Community, South Africa) - African Radical Economic Transformation Alliance
(Community, Gauteng) - African Warriors of Light
(Community, South Africa) - AfriForum
(Community, South Africa) - Afrika Evangeliese Bond
(Community, South Africa) - Afrika Evangeliese Bond
(Community, Western Cape) - Afrika Evangeliese Bond Upington
(Community, Northern Cape) - Afrika Matters Initiative NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Afrika Tikkun
(Community, South Africa) - Afrika Tikkun
(Community, South Africa) - AfriMission Renaissance
(Community, South Africa) - AFROSAI-E API
(Community, Gauteng) - Agang South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Agape Gemeente Potchefstroom
(Community, North West) - AGC North Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - AGS Brandpunt Profetiese Kerk
(Community, South Africa) - AGS Nuwe Lewe Klerksdorp
(Community, South Africa) - AHSA FAMILY STABILISATION
(Community, South Africa) - AIDS Hope
(Community, South Africa) - Akehlulwalutho Organisation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - AL Ansaar Islamic Society
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Al Fidaa Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - AL Imaan Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - AL QADR FOUNDATION TRUST
(Community, Gauteng) - Al Tawheed Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Al Waagah
(Community, South Africa) - AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS CAPE AREA
(Community, Western Cape) - AL-Anon South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Al-huda Da'wah Centre
(Community, South Africa) - AL-ISRAA NKOMAZI FOUNDATION
(Community, Mpumalanga) - ALBOS CARE FOUNDATION
(Community, South Africa) - Alef Michel Meulenberg
(Community, Gauteng) - Alikah Charity Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Alive for Jesus NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - All In Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - All Nations
(Community, Western Cape) - All Progressive Congress South Africa Chapter
(Community, South Africa) - ALL4CHOICE
(Community, Western Cape) - Allan Bagg Ministries International
(Community, Western Cape) - Alliance Citizens Change
(Community, South Africa) - Almal Foundation NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - AlMazaahir Institute of Islamic Sciences Trust
(Community, Gauteng) - Alpha Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Alwyn Uys
(Community, Gauteng) - Amakhono Okuphila-Skills4Life
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Amana Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Amandla Omnotho Trust
(Community, Gauteng) - NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Amapondo Childrens Project
(Community, South Africa) - Amava Oluntu
(Community, Western Cape) - Amawele Foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Amazing Discoveries Minis
(Community, South Africa) - Ambassadors Of Change
(Community, Western Cape) - Ambassadors of Christ Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Ambassadors Youth and Community Development
(Community, Gauteng) - Amcare
(Community, Gauteng) - Ample grace Solution Center
(Community, South Africa) - Ananda Kutir Ashram
(Community, Western Cape) - Anchor Joburg
(Community, South Africa) - Anchor of Hope Ministries
(Community, Free State) - ANDAS CONCEPT
(Community, South Africa) - Angel Mission South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Angel Television Africa NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Angel Web Angel Web
(Community, South Africa) - Angel Whispers
(Community, South Africa) - Angels Resource Centres
(Community, Western Cape) - Anglican Church of Southern Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - Anna Mari Uys
(Community, South Africa) - Anna Marie Johannes
(Community, South Africa) - Another Way Trust - Leopard Trail
(Community, South Africa) - ansari charity trust npc
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Anthony Williams
(Community, South Africa) - Anti Drug Alliance
(Community, South Africa) - AOG Group Admin
(Community, Western Cape) - Aphiwe bushula
(Community, South Africa) - Apolistic Good News Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Apostolic Covenant Fellowship
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Apostolic Faith Mission of SA Doxa Deo Tshwane
(Community, South Africa) - ARAB MUSLIM CENTRE PRETORIA
(Community, Gauteng) - Arcadia Christian Church
(Community, South Africa) - ArchAngelz Institution
(Community, South Africa) - Archdiocese of Cape Town
(Community, Western Cape) - Archdiocese of Pretoria
(Community, Gauteng) - Arebaokeng Hospice
(Community, South Africa) - Aretsogeng Community Business Forum
(Community, South Africa) - Ariella Ministries
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Arise Afrika Arise
(Community, Gauteng) - Arise and Shine Evangelistic Association
(Community, South Africa) - Arise Family Church International NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Arisen Women
(Community, South Africa) - ARKYS Outreach NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Art House Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Art of Charity
(Community, Western Cape) - Ascend Church
(Community, Gauteng) - ASERAC
(Community, Gauteng) - ASRI NPC
(Community, South Africa) - ASSALAM CHARITY REFILL
(Community, Gauteng) - Assembly of God Fellowship Brakpan
(Community, South Africa) - Associated Rheenendal Council NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Association of Ladies Circle South Africa
(Community, Limpopo) - Association of Muslim Acc
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Association of Related Churches Southern Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Astrea Lodge
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Athalia Uitreik
(Community, South Africa) - Atlantis Thusong Service Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Aurora Hands Of Hope
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Autocity Cares NPO
(Community, Gauteng) - Awaken Revival
(Community, South Africa) - Awesome SA - South Africans Positively Influencing
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Awestruck Studios NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Awqaf SA
(Community, South Africa) - AYEKAH CHARITY FUND
(Community, Gauteng) - Azwihangwisi Nematswerani Foundation
(Community, South Africa)
B - B Loved Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - B-yonfd Community Found
(Community, Western Cape) - Baasraak
(Community, South Africa) - Bafenyi Trust
(Community, North West) - Bambelela Project
(Community, South Africa) - BAMBISANDLA SAM NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Bantu Methodist Church Of South Africa
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Baraka Inceku
(Community, Western Cape) - Barney Malokane Community Development Project
(Community, South Africa) - Basileia Christian Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Baviaanskloof Growth Init
(Community, South Africa) - Be The Best You Nutrition and Support Club Pty Ltd
(Community, South Africa) - Be the Salt and Light
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Be True 2 Me NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Beacon Bay Lions
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Beacon of Hope7
(Community, South Africa) - Beautiful Life Training And Community Development
(Community, South Africa) - Beautiful Witness Ministries NPC
(Community, South Africa) - beCAUSEwe
(Community, South Africa) - Bedfordview Precinct NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Behold Him Ministries
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Beit Midrash Morasha
(Community, South Africa) - BELIEVERS' CENTRE
(Community, Gauteng) - Beloved Creation NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Bemore
(Community, Western Cape) - Benoni Northern Sports Club
(Community, South Africa) - BERESHITH TREATMENT CENTER
(Community, Gauteng) - Bethel Christen
(Community, Northern Cape) - Bethel International Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - BETHEL WORSHIP CENTRE
(Community, South Africa) - BETHLEGEM NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Better Bedfordview
(Community, Gauteng) - Better Living Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Bettie Bandana NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Beyond Evangelism
(Community, South Africa) - Beyond Our Voices
(Community, South Africa) - Beyond Self Esteem
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Bible League of South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - bidc npo
(Community, South Africa) - BIG Projects SA
(Community, Western Cape) - Bikkur Cholim
(Community, Gauteng) - Bill Winston Ministries Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Bishop
(Community, South Africa) - Bishop Frank Ogagba
(Community, South Africa) - Bjala
(Community, South Africa) - Black Bold Wise Beautiful
(Community, Gauteng) - Black Business Chamber
(Community, South Africa) - Black First Land First
(Community, South Africa) - Black Management Forum
(Community, South Africa) - Black Sash
(Community, South Africa) - Blessed Soil Mission NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Blessed Soil Mission NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Blind SA
(Community, South Africa) - Bloemfontein Neighbourhood Association Group
(Community, Free State) - Blue Bus Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - BMCO
(Community, Gauteng) - BMF Initiatives Fund
(Community, South Africa) - BMJ - Benoni Muslim Jamaat
(Community, Gauteng) - Bnei Akiva Cape Town
(Community, South Africa) - Bodhgayashanthi Sanctuary
(Community, South Africa) - boeredroogtehulpsa npc
(Community, Gauteng) - Boksburg Islamic Institut
(Community, Gauteng) - Bonamelo Melisizwe Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Bongani Ndlovu
(Community, Gauteng) - Boorhaanol
(Community, South Africa) - Boost Africa Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Bophelo Impilo Development Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Border Mighty Men NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Botha Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Boyes Helping Hands NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Braai Tax
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Brahma Kumaris South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - Bread of Life Ministries
(Community, Western Cape) - Bread Of Life Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Brendin Horner Stigting
(Community, Gauteng) - Bridge Church
(Community, South Africa) - Brilliantx
(Community, South Africa) - Bringers of Hope
(Community, Gauteng) - Brownie Points
(Community, South Africa) - Bryanston Bible Church
(Community, Gauteng) - BSides Joburg NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Buccleuch Residents and Ratepayers Association NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Build One South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - Built Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Bulungula Incubator
(Community, South Africa) - Burning Lamp Ministries
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Business Ireland South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Buy Black Movement
(Community, Gauteng) - BWOSA
(Community, South Africa)
C - C 2 C Missions NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Caleb Generation Warriors
(Community, South Africa) - Call of Hope SA
(Community, Gauteng) - Calvary Christian Center
(Community, South Africa) - Camp David RSA
(Community, North West) - Campus Crusade for Christ
(Community, South Africa) - Campus Crusade Media
(Community, Gauteng) - CAP
(Community, Gauteng) - Cape Chamber
(Community, South Africa) - Cape Digital Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Cape Flats Development Association
(Community, Western Cape) - Cape Grace Church
(Community, South Africa) - Cape Hindu Cultural Society
(Community, South Africa) - Cape Independence Party
(Community, South Africa) - Cape Town CPF
(Community, South Africa) - Cape Town Mens Convention
(Community, South Africa) - Cape Town Progressive Jewish Congregation
(Community, South Africa) - CapeInd_Org
(Community, South Africa) - Capital City Church International
(Community, South Africa) - Capital City Church International
(Community, Gauteng) - Capstone Translocal Partnerships
(Community, South Africa) - Care and feed those in need NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Care Protect Invest South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Careerlinx Empowerment Solution
(Community, South Africa) - Carers Unite
(Community, Western Cape) - Carina de Fries
(Community, South Africa) - Caring and Sharing
(Community, South Africa) - Caring Daisies
(Community, South Africa) - Carlstrong Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - CATANF NPO
(Community, Western Cape) - Catapult Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Cathlene De Witt
(Community, South Africa) - Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg
(Community, Gauteng) - Cause and Community - Regenerative Culture
(Community, South Africa) - Cause For Justice
(Community, South Africa) - CBN Southern Africa
(Community, South Africa) - CCFm 107.5
(Community, South Africa) - CCHR Africa NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - CCSA
(Community, South Africa) - CE Church
(Community, South Africa) - Celebs for Good Causes
(Community, South Africa) - Central Baptist Church Pretoria
(Community, Gauteng) - Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa NP
(Community, Gauteng) - Centre for Community Justice and Development
(Community, South Africa) - centre for sustainable development solutions
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Centre of Hope
(Community, Gauteng) - Centurion Hospice Association
(Community, South Africa) - CEO Minds Incorpo NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - CFC Emalahleni
(Community, Mpumalanga) - CHABA IKAGE Community Upliftment NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Chabad
(Community, South Africa) - Chabad House
(Community, South Africa) - Chabad in Umhlanga
(Community, South Africa) - Chabad of Fourways
(Community, Gauteng) - Chabad on Campus Annual Fund
(Community, South Africa) - Chabad Rabbinical Fund
(Community, South Africa) - ChaiFM
(Community, Gauteng) - Change Makers
(Community, Western Cape) - Change Makers - Kibbutz El-Shammah
(Community, South Africa) - CHANGEMAKERSHUB NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Chaplain on Board Initiative
(Community, South Africa) - Charis Legacy Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Charis Missionary Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Charis Worship Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Charity and Faith Mission Church
(Community, South Africa) - Charles Edozie Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Charlotte Mannya Maxeke Institute
(Community, Gauteng) - Chassidim Chesed
(Community, Gauteng) - Chayil Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Chefs With Compassion
(Community, South Africa) - Cherie de Jager Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Chevrah Kadisha
(Community, South Africa) - Chi-Rho Bedienings Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Chikara Wellness Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Child and Family Care Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Child Welfare Bfn and Childline Free State
(Community, Free State) - Child Welfare SA Edenvale
(Community, South Africa) - Children of the Dawn
(Community, Gauteng) - Children Of The Light Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Chiltern Park Sports Club
(Community, South Africa) - Chinmaya Mission of South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - CHOC Childhood Cancer Fou
(Community, Gauteng) - Choose Life Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Choose Rural SA
(Community, South Africa) - Chris du Plessis
(Community, Western Cape) - Christ Ambassadors Gospel Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Christ Evangelism Support Fund
(Community, Gauteng) - Christ Fameland Chapel NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - CHRIST IN ACTION
(Community, South Africa) - Christ kingdom Celebration int
(Community, South Africa) - Christ Ministries International
(Community, Western Cape) - Christelike Maatskaplike Raad
(Community, South Africa) - Christian Benevolent Society
(Community, Western Cape) - Christian Consulate Church NPO
(Community, Gauteng) - Christian Faith Worship C
(Community, Gauteng) - Christian Family Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Christian Family Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Christian Family Church
(Community, South Africa) - Christian Medical Fellowship of SA
(Community, South Africa) - Christian Motorcyclists Accosiation
(Community, South Africa) - Christian Revival Church
(Community, South Africa) - Christian Revival Church
(Community, South Africa) - Christian Revival Church Klerksdorp
(Community, North West) - Christian Revival Vaal
(Community, South Africa) - Christingle Ministry
(Community, Limpopo) - Christo Jovner
(Community, South Africa) - Christopher Charles Foundation Npc
(Community, Gauteng) - Christourking Revival Church
(Community, South Africa) - Christs Heartbeat Ministries International
(Community, Gauteng) - Church Alliance for Social Transformation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Church Extended NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Church of Israel
(Community, South Africa) - Church of Scientology Pretoria
(Community, South Africa) - Church on Florida
(Community, South Africa) - Church Tithes and Offerings
(Community, South Africa) - Church Without Walls Welfare NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Cii Projects
(Community, South Africa) - CIRCLE CHURCH JHB
(Community, South Africa) - CISA
(Community, South Africa) - Cities of Refuge
(Community, South Africa) - CitiOnline
(Community, Gauteng) - Citizen In The Kingdom Of God Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Citizen Leader Lab
(Community, South Africa) - Citizens4Change
(Community, Gauteng) - CITY BASE CHURCH
(Community, South Africa) - City Changers Social Services
(Community, Mpumalanga) - City Life Church
(Community, South Africa) - City Mission
(Community, Western Cape) - City of Hope Global
(Community, Western Cape) - City on a Hill
(Community, South Africa) - City On A Hill Church International
(Community, North West) - CityZen
(Community, South Africa) - Civilians Helping all in need
(Community, Gauteng) - Clan Wars Esports
(Community, South Africa) - Claremont Wynberg Hebrew Congregation
(Community, South Africa) - CLC - Christian Life Church
(Community, South Africa) - Clean Green Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Cleary Estate Cheshire Homes
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Click n Donate
(Community, South Africa) - Clifford Khomelene
(Community, South Africa) - Clothes For Life
(Community, South Africa) - CMRM
(Community, South Africa) - Co-Active
(Community, South Africa) - Coastal Livelihoods Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Coastland Revival Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Cocaine Anonymous South A
(Community, Gauteng) - Collaborative Stakeholder Movement
(Community, South Africa) - COMETSA Friends and Supporters Club NPO
(Community, North West) - Common Change NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Common Good Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Common Good Foundation NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Commoncents Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Community Chest of the Eastern Cape
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Community Chest of the Eastern Cape
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Community Connect
(Community, Gauteng) - Community Emergency Response Service
(Community, Gauteng) - Community Foodbank Relief South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - Community of Givers
(Community, South Africa) - Community organisation people support NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Community Organisation Resource Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Community program
(Community, South Africa) - Community Provision And Social Services
(Community, Gauteng) - Community Recreational and Rehabilitation Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Community Upliftment
(Community, South Africa) - Comserve Ministries
(Community, Eastern Cape) - confederation of Ugandans in Southern Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - congolese civil society of south africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries
(Community, Gauteng) - Congress of Business and Economics
(Community, Gauteng) - Connect a Heart Foundatio
(Community, Western Cape) - Connexions Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Conquerors Through Christ Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Constellation 150
(Community, South Africa) - Continental Liaison Office Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - COPESSA NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Coram Deo
(Community, Gauteng) - Cornal Hendricks Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Cornerstone Church
(Community, South Africa) - Cornerstone NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Corporate Alliance of South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Corruption Watch (RF) NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Cosmo Youth Empowerment
(Community, Gauteng) - Countdown To Christ
(Community, Western Cape) - Courage Community Relief
(Community, Western Cape) - Covenant House
(Community, Limpopo) - Covernant Fellowship Chur
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - CRC Bethlehem
(Community, South Africa) - CRC CapeTown
(Community, Western Cape) - CRC Durban
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - CRC Eastern Free State
(Community, Free State) - CRC Klerksdorp
(Community, Gauteng) - CRC Media
(Community, South Africa) - CRESCENT OF HOPE S A
(Community, Gauteng) - Cross Africa Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Cross Culture Church
(Community, South Africa) - Crossing Transformation Projects
(Community, South Africa) - Crossover City Church
(Community, South Africa) - Crusade for Christ
(Community, South Africa) - CRUZ Ministries Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Crystal Park Baptist Church Benoni
(Community, South Africa) - CSO Johannesburg
(Community, South Africa) - CTIEC - Cape Town Islamic Educational Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Cup's
(Community, Western Cape) - CVM
(Community, Gauteng) - Cyrene Temple Full Gospel Church Of God
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal)
D - Dagga Party of South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Damascus Road Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Dane Mesane Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Danish Society
(Community, South Africa) - DARE TO SHARE
(Community, South Africa) - Darknesstolight
(Community, Gauteng) - Darren Harris
(Community, Gauteng) - Darul Iftaa
(Community, South Africa) - Darul Ihsan
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - David and Jonathan Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - David Nhlapo
(Community, South Africa) - DaVinci tt100 awards programme
(Community, Gauteng) - Dawat-e-Islami KZN
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Dawn Saayman
(Community, South Africa) - Deafinitely
(Community, South Africa) - Dean Page
(Community, South Africa) - Dear S Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - DEBRA SA
(Community, Western Cape) - Defrag NPO
(Community, Gauteng) - Dei Amoris Digital Ministry NPC
(Community, South Africa) - DELTA COMMUNITY CHURCH ROODT
(Community, South Africa) - Democracy In Action
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Democracy In Action
(Community, South Africa) - Denis Hurley Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Dennis Onyango Masinde Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Design Indaba Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Design26 Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Desired Identity
(Community, South Africa) - Destiny City Church
(Community, South Africa) - Destiny Life Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Destiny Midwives Christian Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Destiny Worship Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Developing Lives Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Development Centre for Community Upliftment
(Community, Western Cape) - Dharmagiri
(Community, South Africa) - DIA LOGOS
(Community, Western Cape) - Dianetics Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Die Akker
(Community, South Africa) - Die Christus Gemeente in Vaalharts
(Community, South Africa) - Die Federasie vir Afrikaa
(Community, Gauteng) - Die Voortrekkers
(Community, South Africa) - DIEP VOICE Organization
(Community, Gauteng) - Diepsloot Word Center Church
(Community, South Africa) - Diepsloot Word Centre Church
(Community, South Africa) - Digiconnect
(Community, South Africa) - Dimakatso Gberevbie
(Community, South Africa) - Dinamo Empowerment Support Network
(Community, Northern Cape) - Discipleship Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Ditebogo tsa boipelo
(Community, Limpopo) - Divine Life Society of SA
(Community, South Africa) - Dlala Nje Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - DMASA
(Community, South Africa) - Dolphin Coast Residents and Ratepayers Association
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Dominion Today
(Community, Western Cape) - Dora Tamana Cooperative Agency
(Community, South Africa) - Doreen's Door of hope center
(Community, South Africa) - Doulos Armoedebediening
(Community, South Africa) - Doxa Deo
(Community, South Africa) - Doxa Deo Bloemfontein
(Community, Free State) - Dr Ria Fouche
(Community, South Africa) - Dr Sam Motsuenyane Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Dr Tlapu Moiponi Foundation
(Community, North West) - Dream For Life Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - DROOGTEHULP MET BURRE
(Community, South Africa) - Duet Gemeente
(Community, North West) - Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome
(Community, South Africa) - Durban Christian Centre South
(Community, South Africa) - Durban North Baptist Chur
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Durban Society For Youth Development
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Dynamic Women for Children
(Community, Gauteng)
E - E Kerk Vereniging
(Community, Gauteng) - Each1Feeds1
(Community, South Africa) - Earth Community Unethemba NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Earth Rehab
(Community, North West) - East London Jewish Helping Hand and Burial Society
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Eastern Gauteng Hockey As
(Community, South Africa) - Ebenezer Family Church
(Community, South Africa) - EberVet Community Veterinary Care
(Community, South Africa) - Ecclesia Church Online
(Community, South Africa) - ECHO
(Community, Western Cape) - Eclipse Voluntary Association
(Community, Free State) - EcoActive
(Community, South Africa) - Ecoforum
(Community, South Africa) - Economic Freedom Fighters
(Community, South Africa) - Eden Protocol Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Edenvale City Improvement District
(Community, Gauteng) - EDR International
(Community, South Africa) - Ekklesia Equipping Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Ekklesia Ministries International
(Community, Gauteng) - Eksderde Kampe
(Community, Gauteng) - El Gibbor Kitchen 3610 NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - EL Tabernacle Storehouse
(Community, Gauteng) - Elev8 Church SA
(Community, Gauteng) - Ellanie Van Rooyen
(Community, South Africa) - Ellen Cooper M M
(Community, Gauteng) - Elstefco Cares
(Community, Gauteng) - Embark Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Embrace
(Community, Gauteng) - Emfuleni for Change NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Emmanuel Care Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Empower Church
(Community, South Africa) - EMPOWER SOUTH AFRICA
(Community, Western Cape) - Enabling Dreams Foundation NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Encounter Church Ballito NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Encounter Hope
(Community, South Africa) - Encounter Ministries Inte
(Community, South Africa) - Engineering Ministries International South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - ENT Community Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Entsika Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Enviro and Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Envoy Church Word of Salvation
(Community, Western Cape) - EO-EI NPO
(Community, South Africa) - EOM Ministries Int
(Community, Gauteng) - EPCCFSA
(Community, South Africa) - Equality Collective NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Equilibrium
(Community, Western Cape) - Equip LAB NPO
(Community, South Africa) - ERPM
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Esnart Mwanza
(Community, South Africa) - EST Dlamini Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Eswatini Social Justice
(Community, Gauteng) - Etafeni Day Care Centre Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - EternalKingMinistriesNPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Ethnos Movement
(Community, Western Cape) - Etsala
(Community, South Africa) - Eugene Walker
(Community, South Africa) - Evangelical Lutheran Congregation
(Community, South Africa) - Evangelisch-Lutherische Johannesgemeinde Pretoria
(Community, Gauteng) - Evangelische Stadtmission in SA
(Community, South Africa) - Evangelism Explosion Eastern Cape
(Community, South Africa) - Evangelistic Biblical Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Eve-Empowered Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Events Entry
(Community, Free State) - Every Home for Christ
(Community, Gauteng) - Every Nation
(Community, Western Cape) - Every Nation Bryanston
(Community, South Africa) - Every Nation Church Stellenbosch
(Community, Western Cape) - Every Nation Eden
(Community, Western Cape) - Every Nation Kerk Property Corporation
(Community, South Africa) - Every Nation Paarl Christian Church
(Community, South Africa) - Every Nation Tshwane
(Community, South Africa) - Excellence International Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Eye For Cancer Walk 2022
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - EyethuCareersPoint
(Community, South Africa)
F - F1DI
(Community, South Africa) - Fabulous Girl Charity Foundation
(Community, Northern Cape) - Faith & Hope Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Faith Centre Malvern Assembly
(Community, South Africa) - Faith Devotionals Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Faith Hill TV
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Faith Life Ministries Int
(Community, South Africa) - Faith Ministry Family Church International
(Community, South Africa) - Faith Promise
(Community, Gauteng) - Faizane Gausia South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Family Care Association
(Community, South Africa) - Family Care Ministries
(Community, Eastern Cape) - FARR
(Community, Western Cape) - Fashion For Charity Durban
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Father A Nation SA NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Father's House Family Church
(Community, South Africa) - Father's House Family Church
(Community, South Africa) - Father's House Family Church
(Community, South Africa) - Favored Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - feed the hungry
(Community, South Africa) - Feeding Hearts
(Community, Western Cape) - Feels Good
(Community, South Africa) - FF SA YWAM NPC
(Community, North West) - Fielas Love Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Fields of Green for ALL N
(Community, Western Cape) - Finders Keepers Online Ch
(Community, South Africa) - FIRE DETECTORS PROJECT
(Community, Western Cape) - Firearms Policy Campaign NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Firefighters For Excellence Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club
(Community, Western Cape) - Flames of Fire Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Flamingo Sanitation Solutions NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Flying for Life
(Community, South Africa) - Focus on Christ Life Church Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Focus On Women Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Food Cycle Charitable Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Food for Life
(Community, South Africa) - Food for Life - Cape Town
(Community, Western Cape) - Food for Life 3
(Community, South Africa) - FOOD FOR LIFE AFRICA 2
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Food Sourcing Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - FoodBank South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - FoodForward SA
(Community, South Africa) - Foodshare Project
(Community, Western Cape) - Footsteps Through Africa
(Community, South Africa) - For the Cause
(Community, South Africa) - Fordsburg Muslim Youth Organisation (FMYO)
(Community, Gauteng) - Forever Rising Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Forsaken Care Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Fort Good Hope
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Forward Fund Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Foundation Of Sports Alchemy
(Community, South Africa) - Foundations for Farming (SA) Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Fountain of Love NPO
(Community, Gauteng) - Four Wheel Drive Club - Western Cape
(Community, South Africa) - Four12 Global NPC
(Community, South Africa) - FourImpact NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Franchise Association of
(Community, South Africa) - Free Food
(Community, Gauteng) - Free of TB NPO
(Community, South Africa) - Freedom Church Cape Town
(Community, South Africa) - Freedom Embassy Ministries International
(Community, South Africa) - Freedom Gate Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Freedom Recovery Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Fresh Expressions Africa South
(Community, South Africa) - Friends Hope Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - From Addict To Disciple
(Community, South Africa) - From the Heart Church Ministries of Paarl
(Community, Western Cape) - Front Nationaal
(Community, South Africa) - Frontline Church
(Community, South Africa) - Frontline Fellowship
(Community, Western Cape) - Frontline Fellowship
(Community, South Africa) - frontline south africa
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Full Gospel Church
(Community, South Africa) - Fullstop Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Funanani
(Community, Gauteng) - FUND RAISERS
(Community, Western Cape) - Fund Social Good NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Fundraise South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Fundraising
(Community, Gauteng) - Futuristic Evolution NPC
(Community, South Africa)
(Community, Western Cape) - G-Love In Action Foundation Donors
(Community, Gauteng) - Ga-Mphahlele Home-Coming
(Community, Gauteng) - Gain Through Giving NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Gan Tamar Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Gandhi Development Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Garden of Life
(Community, Gauteng) - Gateway Church
(Community, South Africa) - Gateway Youth Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - GaySA Radio
(Community, South Africa) - GBV Prevention and Intervention
(Community, Mpumalanga) - GCU
(Community, South Africa) - Geared to Grow NPC
(Community, South Africa) - GEM
(Community, South Africa) - Genadeland GF4GF Centre
(Community, Northern Cape) - Generosity for Humanity
(Community, Western Cape) - Generous Partners
(Community, Western Cape) - George methodist Church
(Community, South Africa) - George Smith
(Community, South Africa) - GF4GF Centres NPC
(Community, South Africa) - GFL Ministries
(Community, Western Cape) - Ghouse Azam Welfare Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - GHS
(Community, Western Cape) - GIFT FROM GIVERS HEART
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Gift from the givers heart international
(Community, Gauteng) - Gift of Life Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Gift of the Givers
(Community, South Africa) - GIN-SSOGIE
(Community, South Africa) - Girleada
(Community, Gauteng) - GirtlStuff.Period
(Community, South Africa) - givchange
(Community, South Africa) - Give A. Life - Nikimpilo Organisatiom
(Community, South Africa) - Give Hope Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Givers of Good
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Giving
(Community, Gauteng) - Giving Hope Foundation SA
(Community, South Africa) - Giving Wings Youth
(Community, Western Cape) - GladAfrica Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Glamour girls with a difference
(Community, Western Cape) - glamourmodelacademy
(Community, Western Cape) - Glenridge Church
(Community, South Africa) - Glenridge Community Agricultural Projects
(Community, South Africa) - Global Assist Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Global Christian Network
(Community, South Africa) - Global Leading Light Initiatives
(Community, Eastern Cape) - GLOBAL MILITARY VETERANS
(Community, Western Cape) - Global Ministry Resources
(Community, South Africa) - Glocal Outreach
(Community, South Africa) - Go in Faith Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - GoAfrica Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - God Adventure Church
(Community, Eastern Cape) - God and the Community Church
(Community, South Africa) - GOD FIRST FOUNDATION
(Community, Gauteng) - God Never Fails Revival Church
(Community, South Africa) - God of Breakthrough Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - God s Tabernacle Christian Family Church
(Community, Limpopo) - God's Army
(Community, South Africa) - Gods Best NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Gods Work in SA
(Community, South Africa) - Goedverwacht Awakens NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Golden East 181
(Community, South Africa) - Goma Foundation NPC
(Community, Limpopo) - Gonubie Baptist Church
(Community, Eastern Cape) - GOOD
(Community, South Africa) - Good Cause
(Community, South Africa) - Good Deeds Charity Organisation
(Community, Western Cape) - Good Governance Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - Good Stories
(Community, Gauteng) - Goodbye Malaria Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - GOPIO AFRICA
(Community, South Africa) - Gopolang Molefe
(Community, South Africa) - Goshen Full of Grace and Truth
(Community, Western Cape) - Gospel Fire Fundraising Gala
(Community, Gauteng) - Gospel Fire Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Gospel Workers Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - GRACE AID
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Grace and Truth Church
(Community, South Africa) - Grace Beneficiary Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Grace Chapter Church
(Community, South Africa) - Grace Christian Fellowship Rosslyn
(Community, Gauteng) - Grace Court Impact Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Grace Family Fellowship
(Community, South Africa) - Grace for Purpose
(Community, Gauteng) - Grace Mission Church
(Community, South Africa)
G - Grace Red
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - GRACEFIELDS MISSION NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Gracelife Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Graceway Church
(Community, South Africa) - Grahamstown Tb Care Society
(Community, South Africa) - Grapevine Apostolic Trans
(Community, South Africa) - Grassy Park Empowerment Forum
(Community, Western Cape) - Great Park Synagogue
(Community, Gauteng) - Greater Eldorado Park Youth Skills Development Cen
(Community, Gauteng) - Greater Stellenbosch Development Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - Green & Sea Point Hebrew Congregation
(Community, South Africa) - Greenside Residents Association
(Community, Gauteng) - Growing Champions
(Community, Gauteng) - Guardian Angels Care
(Community, Free State) - GWT FOUNDATION
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal)
H - H18 Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Habibia Soofie Pietermaritzburg Astana
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Habitat for Humanity South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Hagio Pneuma Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Haima Christou Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Hajee Shah Goolam Mahomed Trust
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Hallo Kerk
(Community, South Africa) - Hand in Hand Development
(Community, Gauteng) - HandiAfrica NPO
(Community, South Africa) - Hands of Honour
(Community, Western Cape) - HandsandFeet
(Community, Western Cape) - Hanna Charity and Empowerment Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Hansk Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Harry Gwala Agri
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Hartbeeskerdeso Cycling Event Cycling Event
(Community, South Africa) - Harvest Christian Missions
(Community, South Africa) - Harvester International Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Harvester International Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Harvesters Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Hashtag Nonprofit
(Community, South Africa) - HASHTAG SA UNITE NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Hatzolah Medical Rescue
(Community, Gauteng) - HDB Africa NPC
(Community, South Africa) - He Is Alive Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Heal our Land Relief Fund NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Heal The World Initiative
(Community, Western Cape) - Healing Hands Community Project
(Community, South Africa) - Healing Hands Foundation Online Donations
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Healing Light SA
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Healing Your Life SA NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - HEART
(Community, South Africa) - Heart and Soul
(Community, Gauteng) - Heart and Soul Community Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Heartfelt Welfare & Care Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Heartlines
(Community, South Africa) - Hearts of Compassion
(Community, South Africa) - Heartstrings Community Project
(Community, South Africa) - Heidelberg Pampoen Fees NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Heidelberg Toerisme
(Community, South Africa) - Helderberg Omgee
(Community, South Africa) - Helen Suzman Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Hellenic Community of Cape Town and Environs
(Community, Western Cape) - Hellenic Community of Pretoria
(Community, Gauteng) - Help At Work Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - HELP ME FEED A CHILD PROJECT
(Community, South Africa) - Help the Poor for food
(Community, Western Cape) - Help-Me-Network CSP
(Community, Western Cape) - Helping Hand for Children/Youth Development
(Community, South Africa) - Helping More
(Community, South Africa) - Helping SA
(Community, South Africa) - Henley Wam Festival
(Community, South Africa) - Hermanus Business Chamber
(Community, Western Cape) - Heroes 4 Action
(Community, South Africa) - Heroes Of Tomorrow
(Community, South Africa) - Hidden Falls Youth Empowerment
(Community, South Africa) - High Five Fund NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Higher Dimension
(Community, South Africa) - HillcrestBaptist Church
(Community, South Africa) - Hillside Church
(Community, South Africa) - Hip Hop Minstrels
(Community, Western Cape) - His Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - His Church International
(Community, Western Cape) - His Place Developing Centre
(Community, Eastern Cape) - HIS VISION CHURCH NPC
(Community, North West) - History Makers Revival Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Hlanganani
(Community, South Africa) - Hlayisani Centre of Hope
(Community, Gauteng) - Hodisang Community Dev
(Community, Free State) - Hola Bon renaissance Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Holiness Apostolic Church of God
(Community, South Africa) - Holiness Embassy
(Community, South Africa) - Holy Life Ministries International
(Community, Gauteng) - Holy Spirit International Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - holy spirit international ministries
(Community, South Africa) - HometownSA NPO 204808
(Community, South Africa) - homless in the park christian ministeries
(Community, Gauteng) - Honeymoon Development Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Honour Joseph
(Community, South Africa) - Hope Ascending NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - HOPE FOR AFRICAN CHILD
(Community, South Africa) - Hope For Nations Gospel Outreach
(Community, Gauteng) - Hope Of Glory - Redeemed Christian Church Of God
(Community, Gauteng) - Hope of victims
(Community, Gauteng) - Hope Restoration Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Hope To Infinity
(Community, Gauteng) - Hope Trust
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Hopehill Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Hopscotch Travel NGO
(Community, Western Cape) - Horses 4 Hope NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Hospice Wits Shop
(Community, South Africa) - Hot Cares
(Community, South Africa) - House Of Carers
(Community, Western Cape) - House of Conquerors NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - House of David Church
(Community, South Africa) - House of Ministries
(Community, Limpopo) - Household of Christ
(Community, South Africa) - HPCA
(Community, South Africa) - HPP Hermanus
(Community, South Africa) - HRM EbonyPark
(Community, Gauteng) - HRM Tembisa Campus
(Community, Gauteng) - HSBP
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - HSE Connection Point
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - HUMAN AID SA TRUST
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Human Doings
(Community, South Africa) - Human Rights Educational Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Humanitarian Development Alliance SA
(Community, South Africa) - Humanitarian Empowerment Fund
(Community, South Africa) - Humanity South Africa
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Humankind SA Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Hunger Has No Religion - South Africa
(Community, Gauteng)
I - I Am SHE
(Community, Gauteng) - I Care Resource Centre
(Community, South Africa) - I care rethlokometse community project
(Community, Gauteng) - I have a Purpose
(Community, Gauteng) - I.O.G
(Community, South Africa) - IAC Relief Projects
(Community, South Africa) - Ibaadur-Raghmaan Islamic Societ
(Community, Western Cape) - ICT SMME CHAMBER
(Community, Gauteng) - ICU God Ministries NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - IEDF
(Community, South Africa) - IFORUM YOM AFRIKA
(Community, South Africa) - Iftar Hotmeals on Wheels
(Community, South Africa) - IFUNDA FUND NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Ignited in Christ
(Community, South Africa) - Ignitehouse Ministries International NPC
(Community, South Africa) - IHF Life Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - IICUOSA
(Community, Gauteng) - Ikamva Labantu Charitable Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Ikamvelihle Development Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Ikhaya Le Themba
(Community, Western Cape) - Ikitseng Community Support Network
(Community, Gauteng) - Iliso Care Society
(Community, South Africa) - ILM
(Community, South Africa) - IM STAYING NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Imam Development Program
(Community, South Africa) - Imbali Western Cape
(Community, South Africa) - Immanuel Bedieninge
(Community, South Africa) - Immanuel Christian Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Impact for Life
(Community, South Africa) - Impact Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Impact Leaders Church
(Community, South Africa) - Impact Youth Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Impophomo Rushing Waters
(Community, Gauteng) - Imprint
(Community, Gauteng) - Impumelelo Community Development Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Inala Mental Health Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Inanda Youth Development
(Community, South Africa) - Inclusive and Affirming Ministries - IAM
(Community, Western Cape) - Independence Commission Africa
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - India Club SA
(Community, South Africa) - India Club South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Indigenous First Nation Advocacy South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - InForum Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Initiative for Community Advancement
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - InLight Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Inner City Blues
(Community, Gauteng) - Inner Star
(Community, South Africa) - Inner-City Ministry
(Community, South Africa) - Innocent Bhengu
(Community, South Africa) - Innovation for the Blind
(Community, South Africa) - Inpas Gemeente Pretoria Oos
(Community, Gauteng) - Insight Community Project
(Community, South Africa) - Inspired2Help Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Institute For Donors And NPO Development
(Community, Free State) - Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
(Community, South Africa) - Institute for the Healing of Memories Healing
(Community, South Africa) - Institute of Race Relations
(Community, South Africa) - International Apostolic Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - International Association
(Community, South Africa) - International Community Healing
(Community, South Africa) - International Marketplace Summit Ministry
(Community, South Africa) - International Ministry
(Community, Gauteng) - Intervolve NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Intsapho Teen Movement
(Community, Western Cape) - Inveraan Youth and Community Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Iris Revival Church Iris Revival Church
(Community, South Africa) - IRR
(Community, South Africa) - Isango Elihle
(Community, Western Cape) - Isasa Lethu
(Community, Gauteng) - Isibonelo Community Projects
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Isidima Housing Develop
(Community, Western Cape) - Isiphambano Centre for Biblical Justice
(Community, South Africa) - Isipingo Community Church
(Community, South Africa) - Isithumba Community Development Movement
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Isizinda Sempilo Organization ISO
(Community, Gauteng) - ISKCON KZN
(Community, South Africa) - ISKCON KZN
(Community, South Africa) - Islam For All Mankind
(Community, South Africa) - Islamic Dawah Movement of SA
(Community, South Africa) - islamicawakening npc
(Community, South Africa) - Islands Mission
(Community, South Africa) - Isolihle Youth
(Community, Gauteng) - IT Labs Foundation NPC SA
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - It's Amazing! ZT
(Community, South Africa) - Ithemba Inititatives
(Community, Gauteng) - Ithemba lethu social develompment centre
(Community, South Africa) - Itshepe Moafrika Association
(Community, Gauteng) - IWCSA
(Community, Western Cape) - Iziphozomphakath
(Community, Gauteng) - Izizwe Projects
(Community, South Africa)
J - J F Ministry
(Community, South Africa) - J.A.B Network
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - J2I Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Jabulani Feeding and Learning Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Jaco Schwartz Ministries International NPC
(Community, Mpumalanga) - JACOB KUTU FOUNDATION
(Community, South Africa) - jacques reyneke
(Community, South Africa) - Jagersbosch
(Community, Western Cape) - Jakaranda Kinderhuis
(Community, South Africa) - Jalani foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Jamiatul Ulama KZN - LILLAH
(Community, South Africa) - Jamiatul Ulama KZN- ZAKAAT
(Community, South Africa) - Jamiatul Ulama South Afri
(Community, Gauteng) - Jane's Haven
(Community, South Africa) - Jannie Mouton Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Jasons Angels
(Community, Gauteng) - Javed Masih
(Community, South Africa) - JCI South Africa Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - JDI
(Community, South Africa) - Jehovah Boaz Revival Ministries
(Community, North West) - Jeneto Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Jenni Brown
(Community, South Africa) - Jesus Alive Gospel Outreach
(Community, South Africa) - Jesus Christ Ministries International
(Community, South Africa) - Jesus Christ Revolution NPC
(Community, South Africa) - JESUS IN ACTION NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Jesus the Saviour Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Jesus to my Rescue
(Community, South Africa) - Jewish Cape Care
(Community, Western Cape) - Jewish Womans Benevolent Society
(Community, Gauteng) - Jews for Jesus SA
(Community, South Africa) - JLife
(Community, South Africa) - JMBUSHA 54
(Community, South Africa) - Jobs 4 Carbon NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Joburg North Christian Church NPO
(Community, Gauteng) - Johannesburg Church of Ch
(Community, South Africa) - Johannesburg Dream Center
(Community, South Africa) - John Assumani
(Community, Gauteng) - John G Lake Ministries So
(Community, Gauteng) - Joshua David Revival Company
(Community, Western Cape) - Joshua Generation Church
(Community, South Africa) - Journey of Enrichment NPO 149-176
(Community, South Africa) - Jozi4Autism
(Community, South Africa) - Jubilee Community Church
(Community, South Africa) - Jubilee Poverty Alleviation Community Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Jubilee Welfare Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - JUKSKEI PARK COMMUNITY FORUM
(Community, Gauteng) - Jumpstarter
(Community, South Africa) - Junkie Charity Store
(Community, Gauteng) - Just Africa Mission NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Just Breathe Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - JUSTICE SAMBO
(Community, South Africa) - Justin Naidoo
(Community, South Africa)
K - K R Missions
(Community, South Africa) - K2020205179
(Community, Gauteng) - K2020230569 SOUTH AFRICA NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - K2020230569 SOUTH AFRICA NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - K2023255557
(Community, Gauteng) - Kaapse Kansel NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Kairos
(Community, South Africa) - KAIROS HELPERS
(Community, South Africa) - Kairos Houshold of Faith
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Kairos Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Kalk Bay and St James Ratepayers and Residents
(Community, Western Cape) - Karabo masilela
(Community, South Africa) - Karoo Mighty Men Conference
(Community, South Africa) - Kasi Hero Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - KCCC Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Kea Morata Belivers Tabernacle
(Community, South Africa) - Keep The Dream Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Kenbrink Residents Association
(Community, South Africa) - Kenneth Copeland Ministri
(Community, Gauteng) - Kerus Institute
(Community, South Africa) - KEYJ FOUNDATION
(Community, Western Cape) - Khanya Family Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Khenani Youth Development Shangase
(Community, South Africa) - kiafronting foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Kidz Africa Rural and Com
(Community, Western Cape) - Kindness Corporation
(Community, South Africa) - Kindness Corporation
(Community, Gauteng) - Kindness360
(Community, South Africa) - Kingdom Faith Worship Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Kingdom Finan Minis Inter
(Community, Gauteng) - Kingdom Financing Ministr
(Community, Gauteng) - Kingdom Heirs Assembly
(Community, Gauteng) - Kingdom Life Embassy
(Community, South Africa) - Kingdom Ministries Inter
(Community, South Africa) - kingdom of sons ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - kingdom shine ministries international
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Kingdom Victory Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Kingsgate Cape Town
(Community, Western Cape) - Kingshope development Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - KioNgozi Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - KLC Malmesbury
(Community, Western Cape) - Klerksdorp Christus Fees Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Knysna Round table 59
(Community, South Africa) - Kolisi Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Kompas Gemeente
(Community, South Africa) - Korsie
(Community, South Africa) - Kosher Certified South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - KPI Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - kpi ministries
(Community, South Africa) - KRUX NPC
(Community, South Africa) - KTC Giving Group
(Community, Gauteng) - Kumanz'obom Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Kunene Foundation
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Kussmaul Ministries International
(Community, South Africa) - Kusud La NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Kwa.mama
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Kwamashu Christian Centre
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - KZNPride
(Community, South Africa)
L - Labour That Works
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Lace Up For Change
(Community, South Africa) - Ladies of Hope
(Community, South Africa) - Ladybug Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Land Rover Owners Club of Southern Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Landi Prinsloo Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - LANISA
(Community, Limpopo) - LANX Gaming
(Community, South Africa) - Last Trumpet Teaching
(Community, South Africa) - LATTER RAIN COMMUNITY CHURCH
(Community, South Africa) - Laurence Grubb
(Community, Gauteng) - Leadership Training Assoc
(Community, South Africa) - Legacy Life
(Community, Gauteng) - Legacy Through Charity Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Legend African Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Legion Events
(Community, Gauteng) - LEJWE LA THUSO FOUNDATION
(Community, South Africa) - Lekelela Feeding Scheme
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Lenasia South Muslim Association
(Community, Gauteng) - Leonora Andreas
(Community, South Africa) - Lesedi La Sehoole Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Lesedi the Light Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Lesley Ann van Selm
(Community, South Africa) - Let's Help Others NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - lets help needy foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Level Ground
(Community, South Africa) - Lewende Woord
(Community, South Africa) - Lewende Woord Centurion
(Community, South Africa) - Lewende Woord Witbank
(Community, Mpumalanga) - LFCC Discipleship Trainin
(Community, South Africa) - lgbtq support uganda foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Liberty Arena of All Nations CPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Liefde Wen
(Community, South Africa) - Life 4 U Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Life Changing Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Life Christian Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - LIFE Church
(Community, South Africa) - Life Church International
(Community, South Africa) - Life Church Pretoria
(Community, Gauteng) - Life FM
(Community, North West) - LIFE Mission
(Community, South Africa) - Lifehouse Church East London
(Community, South Africa) - LifeLine Johannesburg
(Community, Gauteng) - LifeLine Pretoria
(Community, South Africa) - LifeLine PTA
(Community, South Africa) - Lifeline/Childline Western Cape
(Community, South Africa) - Lifeworks Forum
(Community, South Africa) - Lig & Lewe Sentrum
(Community, Western Cape) - Lig in Duisternis Uitgewers
(Community, Western Cape) - LIGHT GVING FOUNDATION
(Community, Gauteng) - Light Ministries Jhb
(Community, South Africa) - Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse Ladies
(Community, Western Cape) - Lighthouse Bros
(Community, Gauteng) - Lightning 30 Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Ligstad NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Linc Church
(Community, South Africa) - Linc Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Linc Hilton
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Lindsay Dillman Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Link FM
(Community, South Africa) - Links International SA
(Community, South Africa) - Linksfield Senderwood Hebrew Congregation
(Community, South Africa) - Linkway Church
(Community, South Africa) - Lions Club of Fish Hoek
(Community, Western Cape) - Lions Club of Newlands
(Community, South Africa) - Lions Club of Table View
(Community, South Africa) - Lismore relief fund sale
(Community, Western Cape) - Litter4tokens
(Community, South Africa) - Little Angels
(Community, Western Cape) - Little Falls Community Forum NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Live Traffic Npc
(Community, Gauteng) - Living Ball
(Community, Western Cape) - Living Grace Community Church
(Community, South Africa) - Living Hope Adventures
(Community, South Africa) - Living Oracles Tabernacle
(Community, Gauteng) - Living stones outreach
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Living Tabernacle
(Community, South Africa) - Living Tabernacle Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Living Word Hibiscus Coast
(Community, South Africa) - LMM Genesis NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Lock Tennis Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Lodge Negev
(Community, Gauteng) - LOF Ministry
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Lofdal International
(Community, South Africa) - Lolita Jeneve Armstrong Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Looking Beyond Charity
(Community, Gauteng) - Lostainment Group
(Community, South Africa) - Lostainment Group
(Community, South Africa) - Louis Van Vuren
(Community, South Africa) - Love Cities NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Love Garden Assembly Int'l
(Community, South Africa) - Love Gen Legacies
(Community, Gauteng) - Love Howick NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Love Incarnate
(Community, South Africa) - Love Potch
(Community, North West) - Love Shows Up NPO
(Community, Gauteng) - loveLife Boy Child Campai
(Community, South Africa) - LoveNation Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Loving Kindness Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - LSHC Institute
(Community, Gauteng) - LUAH Charity
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Lubabalo Peter
(Community, South Africa) - LUCAS LEHOKE LEHOKE
(Community, South Africa) - Lulama Voyi Foundation
(Community, North West) - Lulamile Sifuba
(Community, South Africa) - Lumu Community Based Organisation
(Community, South Africa) - Lusa Community Chest
(Community, South Africa) - Luthemba Lethu Community Project
(Community, South Africa) - Luvuyo Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - LvlXYouth
(Community, Gauteng) - LWC Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - LWO Werkgewersorganisasie
(Community, Gauteng) - LYD Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Lynette Goodwill
(Community, South Africa)
M - M and M Malatjie Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Ma Tiga Fund
(Community, Free State) - Mabolegane Projects NPC
(Community, South Africa) - MacReach
(Community, Northern Cape) - Madrasah Durrul Mukhtar NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Madrasah Taaleemuddeen Islamic Institute
(Community, South Africa) - Madrasah Tul Madina
(Community, South Africa) - MADRESSAH ZIA-UL BADR
(Community, South Africa) - Madwa Eswatini
(Community, ) - Mahikeng FM
(Community, North West) - Making-A-Difference
(Community, South Africa) - Makombandlela Youth Development
(Community, South Africa) - Male Focus
(Community, Western Cape) - Manav Seva Foundation Trust
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Mandisa Mkhize
(Community, South Africa) - Manuakh Global Tracts Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Manyiseni Development Centre
(Community, South Africa) - MAPFA MOVEMENT MINISTRY
(Community, South Africa) - Maphalane Disability Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Mapule Molatjane
(Community, South Africa) - Maranatha South African Public Health Organisation
(Community, South Africa) - Margaret Canca
(Community, South Africa) - Martin Dolny
(Community, South Africa) - Masekhethele
(Community, Gauteng) - Mashashane Evangelical Christian Fellowship
(Community, South Africa) - Mashiya Amnyama
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Masikhathalelaneni NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Masikhule Innovators
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Masiphumelele Creative Hub
(Community, Western Cape) - Masithandane
(Community, Western Cape) - Masjid Aisha - Meyersdal
(Community, Gauteng) - Masjid E Hamza
(Community, Gauteng) - Masjid Khaalid Bin Waleed
(Community, Gauteng) - Matla Lethunya
(Community, South Africa) - Matthew 25 Christian Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Meals on Wheels Community Service
(Community, Northern Cape) - Meals On Wheels Community Services South Africa
(Community, Free State) - Mediate Mzansi NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Medical women Association of South Africa MWASA
(Community, South Africa) - Meeting The Needs Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Megazone Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Meghal Hendricks Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Mensch
(Community, South Africa) - Mercy Air - SA
(Community, South Africa) - MES Legal Solution PBO
(Community, Gauteng) - Methodist Church of Southern Africa - Kempton Park
(Community, South Africa) - Metro Mission NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Metsikebophelo
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Mfesane
(Community, South Africa) - Mgazi Youth Evolution Forum
(Community, South Africa) - MGM Community Forum
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Michael Brand
(Community, South Africa) - Michael Sandlana Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - migdal ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Mighty Men WC NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Milnerton Central Residents Association
(Community, Western Cape) - Milnerton Hebrew Congregation
(Community, South Africa) - MIND MOVES NPC 2
(Community, Gauteng) - Ministry of Hope NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Ministry of Life
(Community, South Africa) - Minority Front Donations
(Community, South Africa) - Miqlat NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Miss Zojazem
(Community, Gauteng) - Missio Dei SA trading as Stadbouers
(Community, South Africa) - Mission cohort NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Mission Without Borders S
(Community, South Africa) - MIssion2 NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Missionary Ventures SA
(Community, Gauteng) - MIX - Where Funding Works
(Community, South Africa) - Mmakgomo foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Mmuso Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Modiehi Mongale Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Moeksies van Pe
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Mohanji Foundation South Africa
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Mokopane Nood Forum
(Community, South Africa) - Momma's Over Matters (M.O.M)
(Community, South Africa) - Mommas Over Matters
(Community, South Africa) - More To Life
(Community, South Africa) - Moreleta kerk
(Community, Gauteng) - MOSAIC Kids
(Community, Gauteng) - Mosaiek Kerk
(Community, South Africa) - Mosito wa Afrika
(Community, South Africa) - Mosque donation
(Community, Western Cape) - MOT South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Mothers of Nation
(Community, Gauteng) - Mothusimpilo
(Community, South Africa) - Motion Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Mould Empower Serve
(Community, Gauteng) - Mount Calvary Pentecostal Church
(Community, South Africa) - Mount Calvary Pentecostal Church
(Community, South Africa) - movement for total liberation
(Community, South Africa) - Movers Mens Health Club
(Community, South Africa) - Mowbray Cemetery
(Community, Western Cape) - Mpendulo Savings
(Community, South Africa) - Mphatlalatsane Work Readiness Programme
(Community, South Africa) - Mphiwa Foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Mpuma Media Initaitive
(Community, South Africa) - Mpumalanga Independent Youth Board
(Community, South Africa) - MRASA
(Community, Western Cape) - MSSA
(Community, Gauteng) - Mthimkhulu Community Development
(Community, South Africa) - Mug and Tree Community Care
(Community, Gauteng) - Mulbarton Muslim Association
(Community, South Africa) - Multi Ministries NPC
(Community, Limpopo) - Musawenkosi Ministries
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Music Academy
(Community, Gauteng) - Muslim Around Africa Project
(Community, South Africa) - Muslim Helping Hands
(Community, South Africa) - Muslim Prison Board KZN
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Muslim Response Unit
(Community, Gauteng) - Muslim Supreme Council of South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Mustadafin Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Mutumwa Mawere
(Community, South Africa) - MyChurchIT
(Community, Western Cape) - Mymoena Scholtz
(Community, South Africa)
N - N E Ministry
(Community, South Africa) - NAA-SA
(Community, South Africa) - Nakekela
(Community, South Africa) - Nakhlistan
(Community, South Africa) - Namakwa Civic Movement
(Community, Northern Cape) - Naqshbandi SA
(Community, South Africa) - Naqshbandi SA
(Community, South Africa) - NASG
(Community, South Africa) - Nathi dubazana
(Community, South Africa) - Nation Builder
(Community, South Africa) - Nation Builders
(Community, South Africa) - National Foundations Dialogue Initiative
(Community, South Africa) - National Funeral Directors' Association
(Community, South Africa) - National Hunting & Shooting Association
(Community, Gauteng) - National Mentorship Movement NPC
(Community, South Africa) - National Rescue for Poverty and Drugs
(Community, Western Cape) - Natures Spirit
(Community, South Africa) - ndlelehle Youth Club
(Community, South Africa) - Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika
(Community, South Africa) - Needyland Development and Poverty Relief Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Nelson Mandela Bay CARES
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Nelson Mandela Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - New Anchor Church
(Community, South Africa) - New Breed Empowerment
(Community, Western Cape) - New Chapter Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - New Covenant Christian Church
(Community, South Africa) - New Dawn Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - New Fields Missions NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - New Frontier Development Agency
(Community, South Africa) - New Home Church
(Community, Western Cape) - New Horizon Movement
(Community, South Africa) - New Life in Christ
(Community, South Africa) - New South Institute
(Community, South Africa) - New Start Youth Development
(Community, Gauteng) - New World Faith
(Community, South Africa) - newDAY Church
(Community, South Africa) - newDAY Church Edenvale
(Community, Gauteng) - NewDayUnited
(Community, South Africa) - Next Is Faith NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - NG Gemeente Constantiakru
(Community, South Africa) - NG Gemeente Haakdoorn
(Community, Gauteng) - NG Gemeente Skuilkrans
(Community, Gauteng) - NG Gemeente Verwoedburgst
(Community, Gauteng) - NG Helderberg Gemeente
(Community, Western Cape) - NG Kameeldrif
(Community, South Africa) - NG Kerk Alberton-Wes
(Community, South Africa) - NG Kerk Bloubergstrand
(Community, South Africa) - NG Kerk Doornkloof NG Kerk Doornkloof
(Community, Gauteng) - NG Kerk Gemeente Hartbees
(Community, North West) - NG Kerk Kuilsrivier Suid
(Community, Western Cape) - NG Kerk Lynnwoodrif Gemeente
(Community, Gauteng) - NG Kerk Pellissier
(Community, South Africa) - NG Kerk Proteahoogte
(Community, Western Cape) - NG Oosterlig
(Community, Gauteng) - NG Rustenburg Moedergemeente
(Community, South Africa) - NG Tygerpoort
(Community, South Africa) - NG Waverley
(Community, Gauteng) - NG Welsyn Noordwes
(Community, South Africa) - NG Weltevreden
(Community, South Africa) - Ngangezwe Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - NGO Advisor
(Community, South Africa) - NGO Connect SA
(Community, Gauteng) - NHK Kruin
(Community, Gauteng) - Nicholas Krul
(Community, South Africa) - Nicky van der Westhuizen Ministries NPO
(Community, South Africa) - Nirvana World FM
(Community, Gauteng) - Nkangala Business Chamber NPC
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Nkululeko Nzuza
(Community, South Africa) - NOEL LEBON
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Nomkhosi Ndlovu
(Community, South Africa) - Nonobulu Youth Development
(Community, South Africa) - Norkem Park Community Radio NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Nose to the Grindstone
(Community, South Africa) - Nourish to Flourish
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Nova Vida Assembly of God
(Community, Gauteng) - NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - NSH Youth Development NPO
(Community, Gauteng) - Nthutuko Masibambane Youth Project
(Community, Gauteng) - Ntwane Community Development Forum
(Community, Limpopo) - Numex
(Community, South Africa) - Nuwe Lewe Kerk
(Community, South Africa) - Nyaope Ke Sera
(Community, Gauteng)
O - Oagile Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Oase Gemeente
(Community, South Africa) - Oasis
(Community, Western Cape) - Oasis Books
(Community, South Africa) - OAYouth
(Community, Gauteng) - Observatory Civic Association
(Community, Western Cape) - OC Africa
(Community, South Africa) - OchriO
(Community, Gauteng) - OFCI LDC DVD
(Community, Gauteng) - Ohr Somayach Cape Town
(Community, Western Cape) - Okiep Soup Kitchen
(Community, South Africa) - OKOA FUND NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Old Edwardian Society
(Community, Gauteng) - Old Mutual Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - OLSC Durban
(Community, South Africa) - Omega Healing Ministries
(Community, Eastern Cape) - One Heart
(Community, South Africa) - One Heart Christian Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - One Humanity Foundation Trust
(Community, South Africa) - One Life Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - One Life Foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - One on one community based Programmes
(Community, South Africa) - ONE Revolution Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - One South Africa Movement
(Community, South Africa) - One to One
(Community, Western Cape) - One Vision Family Church
(Community, Eastern Cape) - OneFarm Impact
(Community, Eastern Cape) - OneFarm Share
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Open Foundation SA
(Community, Northern Cape) - Open Streets
(Community, South Africa) - Operation Blessing Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Ophan Support
(Community, Western Cape) - Options Care Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Orania Beweging
(Community, South Africa) - Orania Gemeenskapsontwikkeling
(Community, South Africa) - Orania Helpmekaar MSW
(Community, Northern Cape) - Ordinary Activist NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Organisation Hands On
(Community, South Africa) - Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Oude Molen Eco Village Tenants Association
(Community, South Africa) - Outdoor Jewish Experience
(Community, South Africa) - Outreach Unlimited
(Community, South Africa) - Oxfam South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Oxford Synagogue Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Oxygen Life Church
(Community, Eastern Cape)
P - P B B I V
(Community, South Africa) - Paarl Youth Social Club
(Community, South Africa) - Pacumfsa
(Community, Northern Cape) - PAD VAN HOOP EN GROEI NPC
(Community, Eastern Cape) - PADCC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Pan Africa Humanitarian Aid
(Community, South Africa) - Pan African Thoracic Soci
(Community, South Africa) - PanzaPath, NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Parish of Formosa
(Community, Western Cape) - Parkhurst Communit Church
(Community, South Africa) - Parkhurst Residents and Business Owners Associatio
(Community, Gauteng) - Parklands Hindu Cultural Society
(Community, South Africa) - Participate Envision Navigate NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Partners for sustainable development solutions
(Community, Gauteng) - Pastor Freddy
(Community, Gauteng) - Pay It Foodward
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Pay It Forward South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Paying Forward Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - PBF
(Community, South Africa) - PCF Church
(Community, South Africa) - Peace Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Peace Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Peace Ushers Foundation (PUF)
(Community, Gauteng) - Pearl Sekwati
(Community, South Africa) - Pecanwood Estate Homeowners Association NPC
(Community, South Africa) - PELE ARTHUR MAKOMBO
(Community, South Africa) - PENNY APPEAL SA
(Community, South Africa) - Pentecostal Miracle Mission
(Community, South Africa) - People Against Substance Abuse
(Community, South Africa) - People Of Africa
(Community, South Africa) - PEOPLE OF DESTINY FOUNDATION
(Community, South Africa) - People of South Africa Fo
(Community, South Africa) - People Planet Community
(Community, Limpopo) - Peoples Assembly of God
(Community, Limpopo) - PESA Pagan Enclave of South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - Peter Soester
(Community, South Africa) - PETITION NOW
(Community, South Africa) - Petra Institute
(Community, South Africa) - PEY Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - PGS SA
(Community, South Africa) - PHA Food and Farming Campaign
(Community, Western Cape) - PHAKAMA
(Community, Western Cape) - Phalaborwa Methodist Church
(Community, Limpopo) - Phaphama Initiatives
(Community, Gauteng) - Phasa Conservation And Empowerment Fund
(Community, Gauteng) - Phedishano Sisonke Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Phelang Bonolo Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Phenyoetsile Change Agents
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Philadelphia Church
(Community, South Africa) - Philippe Bona Lukengu
(Community, Gauteng) - Phodiso House NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - PHSG Girls Old Girls Association
(Community, South Africa) - Pierre de Villiers
(Community, South Africa) - Pieter Kruger Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Pinelands Muslim Association
(Community, South Africa) - Pink Angels Cares NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Pink Loerie Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Pinotage Villas Homeowners Association
(Community, Western Cape) - Pioneer Missions Africa
(Community, South Africa) - PIRB
(Community, South Africa) - PKV Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Planetshakers City Church
(Community, South Africa) - Planetshakers City Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Planting HOPE Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - PLeace Awaken
(Community, South Africa) - Plumbers Support Fund
(Community, Gauteng) - Podcasting Guild of SA
(Community, Western Cape) - Polokwane Muslim Welfare Foundation
(Community, Limpopo) - Pongola Community Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Port Alfred Ratepayers an
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Port Alfred Soup Kitchen PASK
(Community, South Africa) - Port Elizabeth Emmaus
(Community, South Africa) - Power and Praise Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Power In Action Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Power of 8000 NPC
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Power of Truth Glorius Faith Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Power Punch Promotions NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - power-house Meals on Wheels
(Community, South Africa) - power-house ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Powerhouse South Coast
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - PRAWA COC
(Community, Gauteng) - Preparation For Readiness
(Community, Gauteng) - Pretoria Bhajanai Mandram
(Community, South Africa) - Pretoria Sanctuary of Light
(Community, South Africa) - Prince Albert Community Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Prince Albert Tourism
(Community, South Africa) - Pro Deo Church
(Community, South Africa) - Proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom
(Community, North West) - Professional Editors Guil
(Community, South Africa) - Progress SA
(Community, South Africa) - Project Exodus SA NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Project Me
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Prophet Jason Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Prophetic Encounter
(Community, South Africa) - Protea Valley Church
(Community, South Africa) - Protea Valley Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Protect the Paardeberg Coalition
(Community, South Africa) - Proud Fathers of SA
(Community, Gauteng) - PROV 4 23 NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Proverbs31 Legacy
(Community, South Africa) - Provision International
(Community, Mpumalanga) - PS Round Table
(Community, South Africa) - Pulse legacy production SA
(Community, South Africa) - Purple Bandage
(Community, Gauteng) - Purposeful Living
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Pursuit Ministries
(Community, Western Cape) - PWR Project
(Community, South Africa)
Q R - R.V. Selope Thema Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - R10 per month
(Community, South Africa) - Rabboni Television
(Community, South Africa) - RADA Inspirational Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Radio Maluti 97.1FM
(Community, South Africa) - Radio Overberg
(Community, South Africa) - Radio Tygerberg 104FM NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Radio Veritas
(Community, South Africa) - RaigneboW Village NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Rain Church of South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - RAIN International SA
(Community, Gauteng) - Rainbow Education and Skills
(Community, Western Cape) - Rainbow Leaders
(Community, Western Cape) - Raising Queens Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Rambam Charitable Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Ramson Cross Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Randburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry
(Community, South Africa) - Randfontein Baptist Church
(Community, South Africa) - Ranyaka
(Community, Western Cape) - Rape Crisis Centre Trust
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Rapha Light Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Rapha Television Network
(Community, Gauteng) - Raptured International Ministries NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Raslouw Gardens Musallah
(Community, Gauteng) - Raymond Matlala
(Community, South Africa) - Raymond Vanda
(Community, South Africa) - Rays of hope
(Community, South Africa) - Rays of Hope
(Community, South Africa) - Raziela Faith International Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - RCI
(Community, Gauteng) - Reach For The Stars Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Reach Out Athlone
(Community, Western Cape) - Reach Out Non-Profit Organization
(Community, Western Cape) - REACH SA
(Community, South Africa) - Reaching Higher Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Rearabilwe Community Development Project
(Community, Gauteng) - Rebuild SA Fund
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Recore Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Red Belt Movement
(Community, South Africa) - Red Harbour Church
(Community, South Africa) - Red Harbour Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Red n Plaas Red n Gemeenskap
(Community, South Africa) - Redemption Church
(Community, South Africa) - Refadim Community Empowerment
(Community, South Africa) - Refriend Org
(Community, South Africa) - Refuge City Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Refugee Aid Organisation
(Community, South Africa) - Refugee Concert 2020
(Community, Gauteng) - Rehumele
(Community, South Africa) - ReimagineSA
(Community, Gauteng) - Rejoice International Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Rejuvenate SA Foundation NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - REMMOHO COMMUNITY CENTRES
(Community, Gauteng) - Remnant Assembly of Yahuweh
(Community, Gauteng) - Renee Abrahams
(Community, South Africa) - REPSSI
(Community, South Africa) - Republican Conference of Tshwane
(Community, Gauteng) - resthavenministries
(Community, South Africa) - Restore Us Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Restoring You To Christ
(Community, Gauteng) - Resurrection Life International
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Revival Christian Church
(Community, South Africa) - Revival Church
(Community, South Africa) - Revival Help Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - revival worship centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Revive Knysna
(Community, Western Cape) - REVIVE- Empowering Emotional Change
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Reviving Nations Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Revolutionary Yoga
(Community, Western Cape) - Rhema Bible Church North
(Community, Gauteng) - Rhema Kingdom Life Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Rhema New Life Church
(Community, South Africa) - Rhiza Babuyile
(Community, South Africa) - Richards Bay Combined Seafarers Club
(Community, South Africa) - Rise Ministries International NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Rise-Up KASI Feeding Scheme
(Community, Gauteng) - Rise-Up KASI Feeding Scheme
(Community, Gauteng) - Risima Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Rivers Centurion
(Community, Gauteng) - Rivers Church
(Community, South Africa) - Rivers Church Ballito
(Community, South Africa) - Rivers Church Kyalami
(Community, Gauteng) - Rivers Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Rivers Givers
(Community, South Africa) - Rivers of Grace NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Rivers of Living Waters M
(Community, South Africa) - RivLife International Community Centre
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Rivonia Round Table 230
(Community, South Africa) - Robert Corsani
(Community, South Africa) - Rock of light events
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Rocklands Association for Development
(Community, Western Cape) - Rokpa Gauteng Province
(Community, Gauteng) - Ronnie Mamoepa Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Rosebank Union Church
(Community, South Africa) - Rosebank Union Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Roshnee Community
(Community, Gauteng) - Rotary Club of Blouberg
(Community, South Africa) - Rotary Club of Cape Town Noon Gun
(Community, South Africa) - Rotary Club of Johannesburg South 101
(Community, South Africa) - Rotary Club of Knysna
(Community, South Africa) - Rotary Club of Oudtshoorn District 9350 NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Rotary Club of Port Elizabeth West
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Rotary Club of Pretoria Hatfield
(Community, South Africa) - Rotary D9400
(Community, Gauteng) - Rotary PSJ
(Community, South Africa) - ROTO REACH OUT TO OTHERS
(Community, South Africa) - Round Table Margate No 46
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Round Table Welkom 40
(Community, Free State) - Round TableRoodepoort 162
(Community, Gauteng) - Roundabout Water Solutions
(Community, South Africa) - ROYAL HARVEST MINISTRY
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Rustenburg assembly of God
(Community, South Africa) - Rustenburg Rotary Club
(Community, South Africa) - Ryan Caley
(Community, South Africa) - Ryan Wilson
(Community, South Africa) - RYMI
(Community, South Africa) - RZIM Africa
(Community, South Africa)
S - S.M.A.R.T
(Community, South Africa) - SA BRICS Youth Asso
(Community, Gauteng) - SA Council For Business W
(Community, South Africa) - SA FOR HOPE NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - SA Jewish Year 2000 Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - SA Legion
(Community, Western Cape) - SA Radio League
(Community, Gauteng) - SA Ubuntu Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - SA Vexillological Association
(Community, South Africa) - SA-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce
(Community, Gauteng) - Saadiq Mathews
(Community, South Africa) - SAAWE
(Community, South Africa) - Sabba Movement
(Community, Western Cape) - SABBA MOVEMENT NPC
(Community, South Africa) - SABELO NTULI
(Community, South Africa) - Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust
(Community, Mpumalanga) - SABRI
(Community, South Africa) - SABTIA
(Community, Gauteng) - SACEF
(Community, South Africa) - SADICS
(Community, South Africa) - SAFCOMMUNITY
(Community, South Africa) - Safe Africa Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - SAFI
(Community, Gauteng) - Sagaria Care
(Community, South Africa) - Sailors Society S A
(Community, South Africa) - Saint John of the Ladder Orthodox Mission
(Community, South Africa) - Sakeliga NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - SakhaneYDF
(Community, South Africa) - Sakhimfundo day care
(Community, Gauteng) - Sakhisizwe Community Project
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Salaam Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - SALT Digital Youth Magazine
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Salty Hour
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Salvation In Christ Minis
(Community, Limpopo) - Sambhoga Yoga
(Community, Western Cape) - SANCOLD
(Community, Western Cape) - Sandile Bhengu
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Sandringham Gardens
(Community, South Africa) - Sandton Bible Church
(Community, South Africa) - Sandton Hindu Samaj
(Community, Gauteng) - Sandton Islamic Association
(Community, South Africa) - Sandton SDA Church
(Community, South Africa) - SANEA
(Community, South Africa) - SANIRE
(Community, Gauteng) - SANTACO Services NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - SANZAF
(Community, South Africa) - SAPPCO
(Community, Gauteng) - SAPRA
(Community, South Africa) - SARL
(Community, South Africa) - SASDC
(Community, South Africa) - SASEH
(Community, South Africa) - SASMEF
(Community, South Africa) - Sassy Fund
(Community, Western Cape) - SAVCA
(Community, South Africa) - Save Ngwathe
(Community, Free State) - Save Our Schools
(Community, Western Cape) - Save Our Schools NPC
(Community, South Africa) - SaveAct
(Community, South Africa) - SAVF Oberholzer
(Community, South Africa) - Sawubona ZA
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - SAZF (Cape Council)
(Community, South Africa) - SCASA
(Community, South Africa) - Schechinah Ministries International
(Community, South Africa) - School of Empowerment Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - SCRATCH
(Community, Gauteng) - Scripture Union
(Community, South Africa) - Seaview Baptist Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Seboka Training and Support Network
(Community, Gauteng) - Sedibeng Sa Bophelo
(Community, Gauteng) - Seed Foundation South Africa
(Community, Free State) - Seed Foundation South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Seed of Hope
(Community, South Africa) - SEED TA Easy Peasy
(Community, Western Cape) - Seeds of Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Selah Skills Academy
(Community, Gauteng) - SFONSA
(Community, South Africa) - SGO
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Shaarei Chaim Community
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Shalom Christian Church
(Community, Gauteng) - Shalom House Of Refuge
(Community, South Africa) - Shalom Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Share A Mask
(Community, Western Cape) - Share All My Hopes Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Sharing Our Ubuntu Legacy Western Cape Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - Shaun B Ministry
(Community, South Africa) - Shaun Petersen Sports Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - She-Chem
(Community, South Africa) - Shekainah Healing Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Shekinah Blaze Outreach International
(Community, South Africa) - Shembe Foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Shoan Sephadi
(Community, South Africa) - Shofar Christian Church
(Community, Gauteng) - SIA
(Community, South Africa) - Sibusisiwe Community Development
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Sibusiso Maphanga
(Community, South Africa) - Signature of Hope
(Community, South Africa) - Silicon Cape
(Community, South Africa) - Silicon Cape Initiative
(Community, Western Cape) - Siloam Word Of Truth
(Community, Gauteng) - Siloam Word of Truth
(Community, Gauteng) - Siloam Word Of Truth
(Community, Gauteng) - SIM Southern Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Sinamandla
(Community, South Africa) - Sinani
(Community, Western Cape) - Sinomlando Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Sinqobile
(Community, South Africa) - siphesihlehbc
(Community, Gauteng) - Siphila Sonke Outreach Programme
(Community, Western Cape) - Siphumelele Youth Organisation
(Community, Gauteng) - Sirius FM
(Community, South Africa) - SISASSS
(Community, Western Cape) - Sisi Ntombela Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Sisonke Community Projects
(Community, South Africa) - sisonke peoples forum
(Community, South Africa) - Sistagirl Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Siyabakhulisa Care Centre
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Siyakholwa Development
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Siyanakekela Community Development
(Community, South Africa) - Siyaphambili Qondile Home Based Care Project NPO
(Community, South Africa) - Siyazisiza Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Siza Mabandla
(Community, South Africa) - Siza Ubuntu
(Community, Gauteng) - Skankane Fundraising Initiative Trust
(Community, South Africa) - SkeemGp Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Skills Development
(Community, Gauteng) - SkX Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Slim Global
(Community, Western Cape) - Small Business Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(Community, South Africa) - Smile Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Sobambisana
(Community, South Africa) - Social Change Assistance Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Social Justice Coalition
(Community, South Africa) - Social Justice For All
(Community, Gauteng) - Social Transformation Action Defined
(Community, Western Cape) - Social Transformation Action Defined
(Community, Western Cape) - Social Upliftment Services
(Community, South Africa) - Society For Asphalt Techn
(Community, South Africa) - Society for the Jewish Ha
(Community, South Africa) - Society for the Poor and Distressed
(Community, Gauteng) - SociGo
(Community, Gauteng) - Softcash Community Upliftment Contribution
(Community, Gauteng) - SOJUPAA
(Community, Gauteng) - Soldiers 4 Christ
(Community, South Africa) - Solidariteit Helpende Han
(Community, South Africa) - SOLIDARITEIT VAKBOND
(Community, South Africa) - Solution Base npo
(Community, South Africa) - Solution Centre
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Somerset Park Home Owners Association
(Community, South Africa) - Soteria Lifestyle Center
(Community, Gauteng) - Soul City Institute
(Community, South Africa) - South Africa Church of God
(Community, Gauteng) - South African Academy of Forensic Science
(Community, Eastern Cape) - South African Chefs Assoc
(Community, South Africa) - South African Communist P
(Community, Gauteng) - South African Defence For
(Community, South Africa) - South African Discworld Convention
(Community, South Africa) - South African Mass Movement
(Community, Gauteng) - South African National Deaf Association
(Community, South Africa) - South African National Za
(Community, Gauteng) - South African Rainbow Alliance
(Community, Gauteng) - South African Secular Society
(Community, South Africa) - SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR
(Community, South Africa) - South African Statsitical Association
(Community, South Africa) - South African Union of Jewish Students
(Community, South Africa) - South African Zionist Federation
(Community, South Africa) - South Africas Promise Org
(Community, Gauteng) - South Roots
(Community, Western Cape) - Southeast Midrand Suburban Alliance
(Community, Gauteng) - Southern Africa Association of Youth Clubs
(Community, South Africa) - Southern Africa Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Southern African Association of Youth Clubs
(Community, South Africa) - Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineer
(Community, South Africa) - Southpoint Ministries NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Southside Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Southside Church
(Community, Western Cape) - SPARC
(Community, Western Cape) - Sparrow Society
(Community, South Africa) - Spectra Entrepreneurs Club
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Spirit Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - Spirit Life Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Spirit Word Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Spirit Word Resource
(Community, South Africa) - Spiritual Chords
(Community, South Africa) - Sponsor a Wild Coast Building Brick
(Community, South Africa) - Sponsor An African Child
(Community, South Africa) - Sport for Christ Action South Africa
(Community, Western Cape) - Springscare
(Community, Gauteng) - SSAC
(Community, Western Cape) - SSNET
(Community, South Africa) - St Georges Cathedral
(Community, Western Cape) - St John Paul II Catholic Church New Church Fund
(Community, Gauteng) - St Josephcare & Support Trust
(Community, South Africa) - St Mary's Hospital Marianhill
(Community, South Africa) - St Michaels Catholic Church
(Community, Western Cape) - STAND
(Community, South Africa) - StandUp4Freedom
(Community, South Africa) - Startup Mzansi
(Community, South Africa) - Stelios Group NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Stellar Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Stellenbosch Business Forum
(Community, Western Cape) - Stellenbosch Community Development Programme
(Community, Western Cape) - Stellenbosch Gemeente
(Community, South Africa) - Stellenbosch Hospice
(Community, South Africa) - Stellumthombo NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Step Up Association
(Community, South Africa) - Stephan Botha Ministry
(Community, South Africa) - Stephen de Beer
(Community, South Africa) - Stephen Phillip Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Steve Rudd
(Community, Gauteng) - Sticky Toffee Childrens
(Community, Western Cape) - Stilbaai Sekuriteitsnetwerk
(Community, Western Cape) - Strand Patrol NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Strandfontein Islamic Assembly
(Community, South Africa) - Strategic Missions
(Community, South Africa) - Strategic Missions T/A Revealed Word Bible College
(Community, South Africa) - Streams Of Living Water Church
(Community, South Africa) - Streams of Living Water Pentecostal International
(Community, South Africa) - Strengthen Gospel Project
(Community, South Africa) - Strengthening Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - STRIVE
(Community, Western Cape) - Subaly NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Substance Abuse Awareness and Skill Development
(Community, Gauteng) - SUGSA
(Community, South Africa) - Suider Afrika Agri Inisia
(Community, Gauteng) - Sukumani Sakhesizwe Community Project
(Community, Gauteng) - Sukumani Sakhesizwe Communty Project
(Community, Gauteng) - Sultan Bahu Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Sunflower Seeds Project
(Community, South Africa) - Sunni Razvi Society International
(Community, South Africa) - Sunny Road Kehilla
(Community, Gauteng) - Sunshack Africa NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Supernatural Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Support Centre for children youth and women
(Community, Gauteng) - Support the Cause
(Community, South Africa) - Sustainable Earth Africa Foundation
(Community, Limpopo) - Sustainable Livelihoods Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Sustainable Tourism Partnership Programme
(Community, South Africa) - SVDP La Rochelle
(Community, South Africa) - Swaragano
(Community, Gauteng) - Swords Ablaze International
(Community, South Africa) - Sydenham Foundation of the Future
(Community, South Africa) - Sydenham Shul
(Community, South Africa)
T - Taaibosch Kei Korana Royal House
(Community, Gauteng) - Tabernacle of Glory for all Nations
(Community, Western Cape) - Tabernacle of Glory Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Tabernacle of Glory Ministries International
(Community, Gauteng) - Take My Hand
(Community, South Africa) - Take The Nations
(Community, South Africa) - Tales of Turning
(Community, South Africa) - Tami Dal
(Community, South Africa) - Tamil Business Warriors NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Tamil Chamber Of Commerce South Africa NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Tanya Street Club
(Community, Gauteng) - Tara Rokpa Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Tarka Development Group
(Community, South Africa) - TCB Clothing Redistribution NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - TCSA FOUNDATION
(Community, Western Cape) - Tebogo Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Tebogo Kgonyane Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Teleios Church
(Community, South Africa) - Temba Community Development Services
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Terra Cares Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Thabo Pelesane Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The 1873 Network
(Community, South Africa) - The AFM of SA Doxa Deo Cape Town
(Community, Western Cape) - The AFM of SA Doxa Deo Johannesburg
(Community, Gauteng) - The Africa Ithemba Network
(Community, Western Cape) - The AJ Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - The Al-Asad Charitable Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - The Albersville Ratepayers Association
(Community, South Africa) - The Angel Network
(Community, South Africa) - The Anti-Bullying Academy
(Community, Western Cape) - The Apostolic Faith Missi
(Community, Western Cape) - The Apostolic Faith Mission of SA Doxa Deo
(Community, Eastern Cape) - The Assembly of God
(Community, Eastern Cape) - The Balwin Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - The Barn Christian Family
(Community, Gauteng) - THE BASE
(Community, Gauteng) - The Beloved
(Community, Gauteng) - The Beth Hamedrash Hagadol Sandton
(Community, Gauteng) - The Bethany Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Bible Institute of So
(Community, South Africa) - The Big Issue Cape Town
(Community, South Africa) - The Breadwinner
(Community, Gauteng) - The Breede Centre Trust
(Community, South Africa) - The Breeze Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - The Butterfly Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Care Bear Project
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Centre For Analytics and Behavioural Change
(Community, Western Cape) - The Centre for Living
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Charity Book
(Community, South Africa) - The Chicken Challenge
(Community, Mpumalanga) - The Christ Life World
(Community, Gauteng) - The Christian Community Johannesburg
(Community, Gauteng) - The Christian Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - The Christian of Truth
(Community, Gauteng) - The City Of God Bible Church
(Community, South Africa) - The Colab Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - The Compassionate Friends
(Community, Gauteng) - The Disciples of Christ
(Community, South Africa) - THE E STEWART FOUNDATION
(Community, Gauteng) - The Economics Society of
(Community, South Africa) - The Educational Support Services Trust
(Community, South Africa) - The Ekklesia Community Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - The Empowering Change Foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Enpowered Church NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - The Entrust Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The ePap Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - The Evangelical Alliance of South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - The Family Voluntary Services
(Community, Eastern Cape) - The Fisher Child Projekt NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - The Florida Harvest Trust
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Focus Driven Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Forum
(Community, South Africa) - The Free Market Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - The Galene Centre
(Community, South Africa) - The Genesis Trust
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Giant Flag Trust
(Community, South Africa) - The Gift Bearers Association
(Community, Western Cape) - THE GIVE ZONE
(Community, Western Cape) - The Given Group
(Community, Gauteng) - The Gospel Coalition Africa
(Community, South Africa) - The Greater Plettenberg Bay Jewish Community
(Community, Western Cape) - The Greater Tygerberg Partnership
(Community, Western Cape) - The Green Camp Gallery Project
(Community, South Africa) - The Gud Foundation
(Community, Eastern Cape) - The Happy Africa Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Harvest Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Healing Africa Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Healing Farm Haven
(Community, South Africa) - The Health Coaches Association
(Community, South Africa) - The Help Save Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - The Helping Hand Foundation
(Community, Eastern Cape) - The Hope Fund
(Community, Western Cape) - The house of misty n roots pty ltd
(Community, Western Cape) - The House Of Prayer Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - The Infinite Hope Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - The Inner Circle
(Community, South Africa) - The Inner Circle
(Community, South Africa) - The Jericho Ichibilosindiso Church Of Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - The Jesus Christ Fund
(Community, Gauteng) - The Journeys End Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - The Ki Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - The Kindness Creation Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - The Kingdom Dynamics NPC
(Community, South Africa) - The Koa Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - The Lakay Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - The Legacy Through Charity Trust
(Community, South Africa) - The Life Church South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - The Light house of healing
(Community, South Africa) - THE LOVE ONES OF GOD
(Community, South Africa) - The Mashach Project NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - The Masifundise Development Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - The Meikles Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - The Methodist Church of Southern Africa
(Community, South Africa) - The Milkshed Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - THE MILLI CROWD
(Community, South Africa) - The Miracle Centre
(Community, South Africa) - The Miracle Drive Turst
(Community, South Africa) - The Mossel Bay Covid-19 Fund
(Community, Western Cape) - The Mr G Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - The Napier Centre 4 Healing Trust
(Community, South Africa) - The New Church
(Community, North West) - The new galile church of God
(Community, South Africa) - The Oasis Church
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Oasis Church
(Community, South Africa) - The One Percent Movement
(Community, Western Cape) - The Organic Humanity Move
(Community, South Africa) - The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - The Parent Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - The Parkhurst Village
(Community, South Africa) - The Paul Project
(Community, Eastern Cape) - The People's Church Assembly of God
(Community, South Africa) - The Pinelands Education Infrastructure Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - The Pink Room Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Pinnie Foundation
(Community, North West) - The Power of One
(Community, South Africa) - The Pretoria North Care Group
(Community, South Africa) - The Princess Project
(Community, South Africa) - The Ramakrishna Centre of
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Recovery Foundation NPC
(Community, South Africa) - THE RIGHT TO LIGHT
(Community, South Africa) - The Rise Foundation SA
(Community, Western Cape) - The Rock Of Tabernacle
(Community, Gauteng) - The Rotary Club of Hout Bay
(Community, Western Cape) - The Rotary club of Johannesburg
(Community, Gauteng) - The Royal House of Monarchs for Africa
(Community, South Africa) - The RSE Community Foundation
(Community, Western Cape) - The SA Lebanese Chamber
(Community, Gauteng) - The SA Red Cross Air Mercy Service Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - THE SAGA TRUST
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Sapinda Rainbow Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Seed Fund
(Community, South Africa) - The Seed Thru Arts
(Community, Gauteng) - The Sesi Lomkhulu Foundation
(Community, Mpumalanga) - The Shabbos Project
(Community, South Africa) - The South African Chefs Association
(Community, South Africa) - The South African Fill-a-Bag Feed -
(Community, South Africa) - The South African Institute of Islam
(Community, South Africa) - The South African Society
(Community, South Africa) - The Southern Africa Trust
(Community, Gauteng) - The Sozo Foundation Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - The Stalking Angels
(Community, Western Cape) - The Storehouse
(Community, South Africa) - The Sustainable Energy So
(Community, South Africa) - the synagogues
(Community, South Africa) - The Tonver Community Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Trevor Huddleston CR Memorial Centre
(Community, South Africa) - The Tygerberg Hospice Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - The Umtshayelo Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - The Upper Room Family Church
(Community, South Africa) - The Upper Room Men NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - THE VOICE
(Community, Gauteng) - The Warehouse Trust
(Community, South Africa) - The Way
(Community, South Africa) - The White House
(Community, South Africa) - The Winners Arena International
(Community, Free State) - The Winning Life Church
(Community, South Africa) - The Wise Ant
(Community, Western Cape) - The Word Church
(Community, Northern Cape) - The Word for You Today Africa
(Community, South Africa) - The Worx Initiative
(Community, Gauteng) - The Wykeham Collegiate Ol
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - The Zoo Lake Development Committee NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Themba Johan Nzimande
(Community, South Africa) - Thembalethu NGO
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - There4 Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - THISABILITY NEWSPAPER
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Thorney Road
(Community, Gauteng) - THRIVE Africa Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Thushano Pele Community Development
(Community, South Africa) - Thuthuka Community Development Organization
(Community, South Africa) - TIDE INITIATIVE NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Tithes and Offerings
(Community, Gauteng) - Tiyanjane
(Community, South Africa) - Tlamela Community Aid
(Community, South Africa) - tlangelani youth development information centre
(Community, South Africa) - TLH KINGDOM MINISTRIES NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - To Care Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Today 1485 NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - ToekomsVonk
(Community, South Africa) - Topsy Products
(Community, South Africa) - Touch and Welness Centre
(Community, Gauteng) - Touch of faith Ministries
(Community, Western Cape) - Touch of Love SA
(Community, South Africa) - Touch Our Pets Therapy Dogs
(Community, Gauteng) - Touch the Nations Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Touch the Nations Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Touwsrivier Relieve Fund
(Community, Western Cape) - Township Boyz and Galz Matter Org
(Community, Western Cape) - TPI
(Community, South Africa) - Tracks for Jesus - Spore vir Jesus
(Community, South Africa) - Traditional Herb Club
(Community, Gauteng) - Trans Wellness Project
(Community, Western Cape) - TRANS-ORANGE CONFERENCE
(Community, Gauteng) - TransCape NPO
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Transform
(Community, Gauteng) - Translators Institute SA
(Community, South Africa) - Tree of Life
(Community, South Africa) - Tristan Bellingan
(Community, South Africa) - True Eagle Foundation NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Tshedimoso Association
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Tshedza Foundation Network
(Community, South Africa) - Tsholofelo Sekgetho
(Community, South Africa) - Tshwane Hub
(Community, Gauteng) - Tshwane North Outreach
(Community, Gauteng) - Tsoga Mo Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Tsogang Sechaba Community Projects
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Turn2God Ministries
(Community, Gauteng) - Turn2God Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Turning Point Care Centre
(Community, South Africa) - turningpoint counselling network
(Community, South Africa) - Tushita Kadampa Buddhist Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Twofoureight
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Twogether For Ever
(Community, South Africa) - TWR Africa Region
(Community, South Africa) - Tygerberg Gesinskerk
(Community, South Africa) - Tyrone Barends
(Community, South Africa)
(Community, South Africa) - Ubuntu Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Ubunye Foundation
(Community, Eastern Cape) - UCB Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - UCB Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - UCF
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - UCT Association of Black Alumni
(Community, South Africa) - Ukrainian Association of South Africa
(Community, North West) - Ukukholwa Project Development Service
(Community, South Africa) - Ukukhula Enterprise Development
(Community, Gauteng) - Ukuthula Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Ukwanda Gro NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Uloyiso Community Church
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Ultimate Life Ministry NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Umbilo South Association
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Umhlanga Jewish Centre
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Umhlanga Tourism Association
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Umlazi Christian Centre Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Umnotho Democratic
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Umnotho Democratic Front
(Community, South Africa) - Umzingizi Social Development
(Community, Eastern Cape) - UNCHAINEDYOUTH NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Unemployed Youth Agency UYA
(Community, South Africa) - Unicorn Wellness Hub
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Union of Jewish Women
(Community, Western Cape) - Union Orthodox Synagogues
(Community, Gauteng) - Unite as one
(Community, South Africa) - Unite Hubs SA
(Community, South Africa) - United Cape States
(Community, Western Cape) - United Jewish Campaign
(Community, Western Cape) - United Mizrachi Organization
(Community, Gauteng) - United Nations Foundation International
(Community, South Africa) - UNITED PROACTIVE HEALTH NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Unyoke Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - UPLIFT Hermon
(Community, Western Cape) - Upside Community Services NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Urban Edge Church
(Community, South Africa) - Urban Think Tank Empower
(Community, Western Cape) - UrbanLab Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Uthando South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Uthando Wellness and Development Foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Uthingo Network
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal)
V - Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Valley Development Projects
(Community, Western Cape) - Vanessa Marx
(Community, South Africa) - Vastfontein Community Transformation
(Community, Gauteng) - VEK van God in Suidelike Afrika Ebenhaeser
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Velddrif Sakekamer
(Community, Western Cape) - Veranderde Lewens Gemeente
(Community, Gauteng) - Vezokuhle Youth Development Project
(Community, South Africa) - Victory Christian Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Victory Faith Church International
(Community, South Africa) - Victory Gap Year
(Community, South Africa) - Victory Outreach Internat
(Community, South Africa) - Victory Outreach International Church Of Capetown
(Community, South Africa) - Victory Outreach Pretoria Church
(Community, South Africa) - Victory Park and Districts Hebrew Congregation
(Community, South Africa) - Villiersdorp Tourism
(Community, Western Cape) - Vineyard Church Dbn
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Virtuele Instituut vir Afrikaans
(Community, South Africa) - Vision 153
(Community, South Africa) - Visma Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Viva con Agua Association
(Community, South Africa) - Viva Foundation of South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - Viva Foundation of South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - VPMA-SA
(Community, South Africa) - Vrederus Pre-Primary
(Community, South Africa) - Vryheidsfront Plus
(Community, South Africa) - Vrystaat Landbou Ondersteuningstrust
(Community, Free State) - Vuka Skhokho
(Community, South Africa) - Vukani Comunity Suport Centre
(Community, Western Cape) - Vukani-Ubuntu
(Community, Gauteng) - Vusi Radebe and the Mighty Singers
(Community, South Africa) - Vusizwe Foundation
(Community, Eastern Cape)
W - Walk of Life
(Community, South Africa) - Walking On Water
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Waqful Waqifin ta Gift of the Givers Foundation
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Warrior Woman Of the Kingdom
(Community, Western Cape) - Warriors For Christ Ministries International
(Community, South Africa) - Warriors in Action Ministry
(Community, South Africa) - Warriors of Hope
(Community, Western Cape) - Washington World Outreach Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - Water Shortage South Africa
(Community, South Africa) - Water4CapeTown
(Community, South Africa) - Waterberg Development Initiative
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Waterfall Crestholme Forest Hills Ratepayers As
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Waters Care Center
(Community, Northern Cape) - waterval gemeente
(Community, South Africa) - Way Maker Foundation
(Community, Gauteng) - Waymakers Missions Africa NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Wayne Josias
(Community, South Africa) - We are Durban Social Upliftment NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - We The Good People
(Community, South Africa) - WelgegundCAN
(Community, North West) - Wells Training and Missions NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Wendywood Muslim Jamaat - WMJT
(Community, South Africa) - Weskus Sakekamer
(Community, South Africa) - Wessel du Bruyn Ministries
(Community, South Africa) - West Rand Bikers Church
(Community, South Africa) - West Rand Lutheran Community Church
(Community, Eastern Cape) - Westlake United Church Trust
(Community, Western Cape) - Westway Bethel Church
(Community, Eastern Cape) - WH Residents Association NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - What Is Man
(Community, Gauteng) - White House Healing Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Wild Canaan Ministries NPC
(Community, Free State) - Wildhearts
(Community, Gauteng) - Wildlife Wizards Africa NPO
(Community, South Africa) - Willem Scholtz
(Community, Gauteng) - Wings of Inspiration Care Centre NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Winterhoop
(Community, South Africa) - WIZO Johannesburg
(Community, South Africa) - Wnl Network
(Community, Gauteng) - Woman of Stature
(Community, South Africa) - Women Empowerment Organization
(Community, South Africa) - Women With Purpose
(Community, South Africa) - Women's Hope Education and Training Trust
(Community, South Africa) - Wonderful Southern Africa NPC
(Community, Western Cape) - Woodstock Community Church
(Community, Western Cape) - Woord en Lewe Benoni
(Community, Gauteng) - Woord en Lewe Church
(Community, South Africa) - Worcester Christen Gemeente
(Community, South Africa) - Worcester Vryburgers
(Community, Western Cape) - Word of Faith Christian Centre
(Community, South Africa) - Workspace Community Workshops NPC
(Community, South Africa) - World Assembly of Muslim Youth
(Community, South Africa) - World Changers Church Int
(Community, South Africa) - World Changers Org
(Community, South Africa) - World Community Counselling Center
(Community, South Africa) - World Gay Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - World Outreach
(Community, South Africa) - World Speech Day South Africa
(Community, Gauteng) - World Thrust SA trading as Church on the Move
(Community, Western Cape) - World Wide Production
(Community, South Africa) - Worship and Thanksgiving Tabernacle
(Community, Gauteng) - WRAP Residents Association NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - WRG Fund
(Community, Western Cape) - WRVP
(Community, South Africa) - WRYD
(Community, South Africa) - WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANS NPC
(Community, South Africa)
X Y - Yad Avraham
(Community, Gauteng) - Yad Avraham
(Community, Gauteng) - Yad Avraham
(Community, Gauteng) - YARD
(Community, South Africa) - YCD Federation
(Community, South Africa) - Yebo Life
(Community, South Africa) - Yellow Ribbon Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Yes for Jesus Evangelistic Association
(Community, South Africa) - YES YOU CAN
(Community, South Africa) - Yeshiva College
(Community, South Africa) - Yeshiva Gedola Lubavitch
(Community, Gauteng) - YMCA Athlone
(Community, South Africa) - Yodwa Mzaidume
(Community, South Africa) - Yogam Yoga NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Young Africa United
(Community, Gauteng) - Young Generational Thinkers
(Community, South Africa) - Young Minds in Action
(Community, South Africa) - Your Health In Your Hands
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Advocates NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Youth Economic Alliance
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Employment Service RF NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Evolve
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Health Africa NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Youth Knowledgeable Chamber
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Music Art and Influence Awards NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Youth4Life
(Community, Western Cape) - Youthworx
(Community, South Africa) - Yzerfontein Inwonersvereniging
(Community, South Africa)
Z - ZA Youth Movement
(Community, Gauteng) - Zalani Foundation NPO
(Community, Mpumalanga) - Zamokuhle Feeding Scheme
(Community, South Africa) - Zamori 302
(Community, South Africa) - ZAMUKWAKHA ICAS
(Community, South Africa) - Zawia Ebrahim Trust
(Community, Gauteng) - ZEMA
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Zenas Substratum
(Community, Gauteng) - Zikulise Community Project
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Zoe Life
(Community, South Africa) - ZoneTalks
(Community, South Africa) -
(Community, South Africa)