Y - Ya Bana Village
(Children, South Africa) -
(Education, Western Cape) - Yad Aharon and Michael
(AIDS, South Africa) - Yad Avraham
(Community, Gauteng) - Yad Avraham
(Community, Gauteng) - Yad Avraham
(Community, Gauteng) - Yami Community Projects
(Education, Mpumalanga) - YARD
(Community, South Africa) - Yatima Foundation
(Children, Gauteng) - YCD Federation
(Community, South Africa) - Yebo Life
(Community, South Africa) - Yeisa NonProfit Organisation
(Women in Need, South Africa) - Yellow Ribbon Foundation
(Community, South Africa) - Yellowbus Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - YELP Yield Equality to Letdown Pets
(Animals, South Africa) - Yes for Jesus Evangelistic Association
(Non profit organisation, Gauteng) - Yes We Can Business Women Networking
(AIDS, South Africa) - YES YOU CAN
(Community, South Africa) - Yesh Camp SA
(Children, Gauteng) - Yeshiva College
(Community, South Africa) - Yeshiva College Schools of South Africa
(Education, South Africa) - Yeshiva Gedola Lubavitch
(Community, Gauteng) - YESHUA MINISTRIES
(AIDS, South Africa) - yez
(Sports, South Africa)
Y - YMCA Athlone
(Community, South Africa) - YoAfrica Foundation
(Education, Gauteng) - Yodwa Mzaidume
(Community, South Africa) - Yogam Yoga NPC
(Community, KwaZulu-Natal) - Yokhuselo Haven
(Family, Eastern Cape) - Yoruba Cultural Festival / Yoruba Village
(Arts and Culture, Gauteng) - You Matter Foundation Africa
(Homeless, Gauteng) - Young Africa United
(Community, Gauteng) - Young Bafana HHH Soccer Academy
(Children, South Africa) - Young Bafana Soccer Academy
(Sports, South Africa) - Young Cavaliers Foundation
(Education, South Africa) - Young Generational Thinkers
(Community, South Africa) - Young Hearts Centre
(Children, Gauteng) - YOUNG MIND SOLUTIONS NPC
(, South Africa) - Young Minds in Action
(Community, South Africa) - Young Nation Network NPC
(Children, Western Cape) - Young People In Business Initative
(AIDS, South Africa) - Young World Educare
(Education, South Africa) - Your Health In Your Hands
(Community, South Africa) - Youth 4 Conservation
(Animals, South Africa) - Youth Advocates NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Youth Bridge Trust
(, South Africa) - Youth Development
(Women in Need, Western Cape) - youth development in education
(Education, South Africa) - Youth Economic Alliance
(Community, South Africa)
Y - Youth Employment Service RF NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Empowerment Organisation
(Education, Gauteng) - Youth Evolve
(Community, South Africa) - Youth for Christ KwaZulu-Natal
(AIDS, South Africa) - Youth For Christ South Africa
(Children, Eastern Cape) - Youth Health Africa NPC
(Community, Gauteng) - Youth In Transformation
(Education, South Africa) - Youth In Tune
(Education, South Africa) - Youth Knowledgeable Chamber
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Life
(Education, South Africa) - Youth Music Art and Influence Awards NPC
(Community, South Africa) - Youth Sports Exelsior
(Sports, South Africa) - Youth With A Mission Muizenberg
(Education, South Africa) - Youth With Diabetes (YWD)
(Health and Disability, Gauteng) - Youth Zones
(Sports, South Africa) - Youth4Life
(Community, Western Cape) - YouthatworK
(, South Africa) - Youthworx
(Community, South Africa) - Youthworx
(Children, South Africa) - YQ 4 Hope
(, South Africa) - Ystervark Clothing
(Family, Gauteng) - Yuvelia Pather
(Children, Gauteng) - Yvette Vivian
(Health and Disability, South Africa) - Yzerfontein Inwonersvereniging
(Community, South Africa)